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Random Raiders


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Has anyone found a way to make Raider eye colors actually random?




From what I've seen you can only choose between "Raider" (if you use a custom mod) and "Default" (which is a washed/out blue gray).


In this picture I am using an eye color mod, yes, and the raiders are set to the "Default" value. However, I'm getting sick of Raiders invariably having the same clear blue eyes, just as I was sick of the unmodded Raiders having the same washed out gray eyes.


Is there any way to randomize this?


Also, I've noticed that 90% of Raiders are Caucasian and 10% are African. I've never seen any obviously Hispanic or Asian Raiders. Ever. Does this strike anyone as odd? Or is it just me?



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I have seen a white raider being beaten. It is just random generation mostly using the raider spawning lists. Once the G.E.C.K. is out the eye colour should be easy to change. It would also be a good idea to add more raider types to the list more variety would be nice (there is a tendency for two identical raiders to appear at the same time).
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