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Request a mod


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Hi there,


I have a request. I was wondering if there is a mod or I could have one made. Here is what I would love.

There is already a mod called Snow Dragon Temple. Basically its a Japanese style house in the Jerral mountains. I would LOVE for my Chargen to start there and have the Mod be a MQ delayed. Say, until you reach a certain level in a faction, or fame/infamy or certain level is reached. I was also wondering if it would be possible to have the option of having to select which faction you belong to right away.


Also, is there a mod that deals with faction reactions? What I mean is, for example, instead of being able to join every possible faction, I think it more realistic that certain factions would not let you join if you belong to another faction. For example, if you belong to the DB, it should be impossible to join say the fighters guild. If in the fighters guild, then the mages guild is out.


Is this possible?


Thank you so much for your time.

I was thinking about the same thing earlier, whilst on the toilet!

I wonder if it would be possible to make it so you can only join certain factions if you aren't a member of certain others. For example, you can only join the Thieves Guild is you haven't joined (or have been kicked out of) the Mages Guild.


Would that be possible?

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how about a dual wield mod? i dunno if its possible but it would be a welcome new choice of combat style i think or splitting long blades and short blades like in morrowind cus its kinda stupid to use a shortsword if u can use a longsword unless u prefer it
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how about a dual wield mod? i dunno if its possible but it would be a welcome new choice of combat style i think or splitting long blades and short blades like in morrowind cus its kinda stupid to use a shortsword if u can use a longsword unless u prefer it


Sephs Dual Wield good mod used before you need a mod that allows a off hand weapon as well like Akaveri Imports

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Man, Haven't seen Seph in forever. Maybe he's on vacation for the holiday season.


who knows you may have to accept the fact that he might not be around to do your mod

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Guys I KNow what happened to the sephirion.....


Just so happens he was in a bike accident during the holidays....

not to sure about the details but apparently his leg was extremely badly damaged.

well thats what my brother told me since i don't know the sephirion personaly but my bro does

not to sure when he will be back and on the move again but just thought i'd inform you guys oh

yea my brother Keter Sephiroth say's he might ..... "might" start animating for oblivion again but he says no promises enjoy the new year guys...

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Here is another idea I had for alternate start - delayed main quest.

You arrive in whatever city. You accept a job to deliver a letter and an offering of food to the emporer in person. You meet the emporer give him the letter and food. He reads the letter and asks you to stay and await a reply. He decides to have lunch right there, but it is poisoned! He dies, but before he does, he gives you the amulet and asks you to find his heir. Guards come in and you get blamed for the death! You can either run away and try to escape, or fight or go ahead to jail.


Once there you meet the elder council for trial. Your lawyer, the prosecutors, and yourself address the council.

However a caviat, the prosecution brings in the guy that hired you, he is with the Mythic Dawn and testifies that you indeed are also a member!


IF you are convicted, it is the death penalty! So, you go back to jail to await execution. You have a certain amount of time to try to escape. If not the guards come, you can try to fight through, but will prove futile. and off to execution you go in the arena.


If you escape, you have a 1,000,000 gold bounty for killing the emporer. The ONLY way to clear yourself is to do the main quest.


Is this workable?

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