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Request a mod


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I just came up with more mods!


Just for visual aesthetics, but how about some animations and effects so when you cast a very powerfull spell, lets say a maxed shockdamage, the creatures and people hit will be vaporised rather than flop onto the ground or be launched into orbit as is the case with full power fireballs.


Also I'd like it if when theres a storm, you would get random strikes, could be miles away, could be exactly where you're standing. The lightning has an initial effect of shockdamage with random value power and area effect , and a secondary effect of firedamage with power and duration correspoding to the shock power, and area corresponding to the shock area. you might be able to make it so your more likely to be hit if your wearing armour or if someone gives you weakness to shock during the storm. And if by chance the strike hits you, but doesn't kill you, it could give you amnesia making you forget your spells, and lowering your skills, kind of like a desease with no progression and a randomly selected trigger for the cure, this could be anything from getting caught in a cave-in to being struck by lightning again.


I know you've got a lot on your plate Seph, but I'd like you let me know what you think. No pressure, its just that I have neither the software or the knowledge to use them if I did, so I dont even know what can or cant be done with Oblivion. Whether you decide to have a go or not is entirely your will, and I won't cry or declare jihad if you will not. but feedback is always a good thing, especially between modders and gammers(like thinkers and doers). I can think of countless things that would make Oblivion more of a virtual reality than a game without compromising gameplay or fun. For me Oblivion has always lacked in terms of atmosphere. Its getting towards its true potential with every mod thats made, but theres still something(s) missing, and I think this type of mod(above concepts), which add depth and change the nature of Olivion from a good game to a truely awesome and totally immersive RPG. Of cause nothing would be better than Oblivion online, alas but we can dream. So like I said no pressure :whistling:. And I'm not saying that my ideas are any better than everyone else's, but you are the only person making this offer, and I felt like sharing too! (soz if I overdid it)



Peace dude, don't work too hard, or you'll do yer sen a misschief!


.btw. I'm not complaining, but should this post be in general mod chat? I dont care where it goes myself, but Seph your post might get more views there cos thats where peeps are supposed to post mod requests, and so I would assume thats where most peeps will go to look for posts like this one.

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In the night sky of Oblivion are two(?) moons. I think it would be interesting to fly there on a winged mount (Akatosh mount) or perhaps a sailing ship (a modified Dweomer Skyship). This would be even more interesting if there were Pirates on flying ships or flying creatures with the ability to intercept you. You could also place a hostile race there, one with the ability to invade Cyrodyll and even fireballing cities and towns from the air...perhaps flying "Moon" elves using a different and powerfull magic system. You could create an entirely new world, landscape, cities and ecology. I also wonder why no one has created any powerful flying creatures...a pod of flying Orcas comes to mind or a herd of carnivorous (flying) horses. How about... Liches, wiches and ghosts which could actually fly instead of merely hovering about dungeons. How about flying Dragons or Balrogs or even Godzilla if you want to be truly silly. How about a flying Air Atronarch? You would be adding to and populating an entirely underdeveloped and much more difficult dimension. AIRBORNE COMBAT. NOTE: The "Mounted Combat OBSE" mod has a pretty good system of mounted spellcasting which works from horse back, or flying dragon back. The mod "Burning Items" which currently only burns containers could be modified to burn buildings and trees altho you would have to mark some buildings as "essential"(?) and therefore immune. You might have to create fire brigades and forest watchtowers, tree shepards, and forest wardens, etc... But it would be interesting to fight a Dragon attacking a burning city or a Balrog burning a forest. Weather control would be important here. Of course you would have to rebuild the city and have Druids and spriggans to regrow the forest. Well, there's a bunch of different ideas, probably not workable in the main, but still interesting. Hope there's something there you can use.
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Here is an idea to start a mod (back story). Your character is riding or walking on a road. It has been raining and as you approach an inn there is a mudslide nearby, exposing a cavern and damaging the inn. Within the damaged inn are several possible companions. As night falls you notice a glow from the exposed cavern. Deciding to investigate, and after passing several deadly traps you and your companions discover a "hard" locked cell deep within the cave complex. The cell contains standard furniture and one skeleton chained to the wall. Within a "hard locked" container outside of the cell is a crystal flute and book. The book is in an unknown language but it is in your handwriting. If you try the flute, a gate will open, and if you pass through the one way gate than all of your belongings are "LOST". You than find yourselves upon a slowly sinking island (timed). The seawater is acidic so you cannot spend much time in it. Your stats are changed to reflect a heavy gravity worldspace, ie., strength, endurance and athletics are increased, agility and acrobatics decreased. Additionally, the air is mildly hallucinogenic and until you become acclimated you cannot cast spells including teleport spells. After becoming acclimated your intelligence is increased. Give the characters ruins to explore...above ground, below ground and underwater. Include a tower, an additional gate, a boat etc... The flute by the way tunes the gates and the book is a music book. Take it from there. P.S.: Question for your character: Just who was that skeleton?...could it be you?
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if any one knows where to get a mod for the soul reaper robes from bleach could you let me know cause i cant find one anywhere. if such a mod doesn't exist yet would anyone be willing to make it?

one other thing, if you could either provide a tutoral or make a mod ring and amulet set that boosts strength speed and a few select skills such as hand to hand and block (or any other skill sets) i would be very grateful

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  • 2 months later...

I was wondering if you have done anything with Bruma Not just a remake but some new People or a new layout something good in the city

and have u done anything with the arena like people challenge u after ur grand champion or another idea was perks such as the middle opening up if u go on for two long things like that ????

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  • 1 month later...

OK i have some mod requests and i know no one has done them before...

1. Ghillie suit of somesort. Has enchantments of marksman plus.

2. A mideval looking compound bow. Something of the nature of a artifactural type of compound bow.

3. Rangers quarters, Small yard. A multi story tree house. with a few ladders to keep getting higher in the tree.

4. Robin hood style hat??? seriously a childhood memory cartoon item that would be cool to see and wear.

5. Animations of for 3rd person of reaching back and getting a arrow a little more realistic.


Just some ideas for people that like the role of marksman.



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Hi can you make a mod with the army and that i can add army new weapons new armorur and i dk...Something like that...And to have my personal armour and camp...So i want (if you can) -Army (with upgradable arm. and weap.

-Army camp

-Captain armour and weap.(light armour something catchy like assassin and weap. bow and arrows but no cheating bow and arrows normal but just CAPTAIN)

-Some private bodyguards


Oh yeah if you can call the mod 96mix96 private army so i know its that what i wanted...



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i was looking for a mod that adds a wearable piercing, only for the lips. i've seen one in the mod "apachis heroes" (dunno if its spelt correctly) but those piercing are all combined with other stuff like a nose piercing with a chain (which i dont like :( )


can you help me please finding what i'm looking for?



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