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How to apply a spell on every actor the player hits in melee?


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I simply have followed the advice from heilghast:


"It would seem that perks like the Bullseye perk only apply the combat hit spell when the player has a weapon attached. However there is a way around it, which is a bit more longwinded.

I tried the following (using the nordrace), in the AttackData tab, i added the PerkBullseyeParalyze in the attack spell box to the following events (Hand toHand)








Once in game, i changed the race of my charcter to nord, everytime i did an unarmed attack, the paralyze spell was applied.

I wouldn't advise changing a race but rather create a race specifically for your werewolf, and add whatever spells you wanted to the unarmed events within the AttackData tab."



Its all well now :)


The problem with this, and my problem, is not so much adding a new perk, or even a work around for unarmed instead of a weapon, but what I have been trying to do is replace the attack ANIMATIONS from vampire lord. It seems that say what he suggested for NORD unarmed attacks would work just fine, and I MIGHT even be able to apply the perk onHit for vampire lord, IF I could get an onHit to register for the animations I'm trying to use. Beast races ( such as Vampire lord and all the ones I mentioned earlier ) seem to use their own unarmed attack type, so using an animation, even say Kajit unarmed, that is NOT one of those "beast" races, will NOT register a hit, even with such a perk applied.

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