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Lich king Armor mod not working, help!


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So I downloaded the mods for the Lich King armor and weapon, from WoW.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6348#content this 1.. and

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12259 this 1... but they don't work. I can't find the armor or weapons in any forge. Well, I tried the Skyforge and the one in Riverwood. But the mod says the it works on any forge. I have enabled the mods, but they wont work.



I absolutely love the Lich king and his armor, and his weapon.. so I really want this to work. Please help ):

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Ok, I managed to find the armor on the page, didn't install it.. pft, stupid me! I know.. Now I just have 2 seperate mods! One that lets me craft the swords, and 1 that lets me craft the armor. Problem is, I can't use them both at the same time -.- so if I craft the swords, go out and enable the other mod.. then the swords get deleted.. It says I have the version 0.991, and that the newest version is 1.0. but I can't find 1.0 and this is really starting to piss me off..
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There appears to be no reason why you can't enable both the armor and sword at the same time because they both use completely separate meshes and textures. Furthermore if you disable any mod that is loaded into an existing save, the items that that particular mod adds will disappear from the inventory and/or chest you may be storing it in.


I can't comment on the "Arthas the Litch King" mod because i have never played it.

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