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Mod help


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I'm new to modding so I really can't figure this problem out. Ok, so my problem is, some mods will load into oblivion and some won't. I'm not sure if I need some sort of patch or something as I think I only have the basic oblivion. Here are the list of mods i am trying to install:


>Nephs Unique Thievery - Nephs Unique Thievery

>Real Archery 2 - Real Archery II

>RogueMage's Daily Income Revised

>Sneak Attack Multiplier Mod - SneakMultiplierChange

>Thieves and Shinobi BackWeapon - BackWeapon


So far, the last one is the only one I can see working. Any help would be much appreciated.


Also, I am using the beta NMM.

Edited by LordVolkin
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Have a look at the mod descriptions, especially the install instructions and see if they make specific mention of being installed or being compatible with NMM. If they're an older mod the chance of that being the case is very low.


NMM will work with some older mods providing their download is organised in a manner which NMM can work with. It's a matter of experimentation to find out which mods those are. I suggest reading the installation instructions provided by the mod author and using them. Granted, sometimes those instructions can leave a lot to be desired. Until you get enough experience try sticking to a few simple to install mods that catch your eye, and work up to the more challenging ones later.


As far as I understand you can still use NMM to activate the mods once they're installed (I don't use NMM myself, so I'm just going on what I've read).

Edited by Striker879
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Many mods need the latest version, OBMM or another mod to work.

Read the readme for the mod -


oblivion not a new game, and was released long before NMM. Many of the older Oblivion mods will not work install properly using NMM. I recommend manually downloading and installing if they don't 'just work' using NMM

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