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NMM, FOMM and you...


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Hello friends! I am new to the mod world, and I think that a lot of this stuff is great! I am however like an old person is with technology...slow learning lol. I just got the NMM installed and have a few mods running correctly right now. However I have 4-5 other mods that will not work correctly. Showing up as the dreaded pipOS Error 26 in game.


My question here, is it best that I also have FOMM as well as NMM to run most of these mods? When I do a search for fixes on these problems I generally only get older posts when people only used FOMM ( I assume). I read the directions, and from how it seems the NMM makes nearly every mod simple to install. Download mod with NMM, double click the mod I want to work, then open game....presto right?


Maybe I do in fact have the old people curse. Any help would be awesome! Thanks for everything guys!


Be nice to the old people - I am willing to bet I am older than you. :tongue:

Moved to the Fallout3 troubleshooting forum.


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You are asking this in the wrong forum. This is the Nexus site "Feedback, suggestions and questions" forum.


You need to ask in the appropriate Fallout mod troubleshooting forum.

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