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What else can i add?


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I have installed around 55 mod so far but i am no expert at this i just install whatever mod that i like without caring much for conflicts or loading order etc... so here is my list of mods and how my game look like so far and i'd love suggestions of what else can i add:







In-game Screenshots:





Thanks in advance :).

Edited by Ruudvangoal
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Deadly Dragons AND Deadly Dragons - Armoury:


Makes dragons powerful and terrifying, not weaklings whom Dovahkiin goes through like tissue paper, and adds new dragons with interesting new shouts - see how Storm Call feels from the other side.. Configurable from ingame, depending on whether you want a slight challenge increase or insane difficlulty. Armoury makes them drop cool stuff.


Apocalypse Spell Package AND Phenderix Magic Evolved


Both mods are quite similar in that they add interesting and powerful new spells to make playing a mage far more fun, especially at higher levels. Apocalypse in particular adds some extremely useful utility spells like Floating Bridge, Feather Fall and Almalexia's Grace.


The Paarthurnax Dilemma


Lets you make a moral choice in a quest.




As part of the main quest you meet a dragon who, following the Way of the Voice, repented from his service to Alduin, saved the collective backsides of mortalkind, has spent the last few thousand years meditating to overcome his nature and helps you kill Alduin, saving the world again The Blades, dragonslayers sworn to your service, tell you to kill him. This mod lets you tell them just where they can stick their genocide.



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What you need right now isn't more 'mods.' What you really need is to download BOSS to set your load order, and Wrye Bash to generate a Bashed Patch. Please trust me on this.

Where do i download boss? because it said locked on request on nexus and i couldn't find download links.

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Yea i checked the second link yesterday and there were no uploaded files, anyway sorry for being a nub on this but how do i exactly use this? which directories should i put for master list and boss?


Dude, these things come with readme's and instructions. -Always- read the readme's. It's worth the read, and you'll learn more than just how to run these 'meta-mods', but about load orders maintainence, conflicts, and how to troubleshoot your CTDs.


While you are at it, get Wrye Bash and TES5Edit, because BOSS may have instructions about what you should do to the esp's in your load order that might require those 'meta-mods.'

Edited by ripple
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