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Newby questions regarding crafting and selling


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Hai Guyz,


I have a level 26 Dark Elf who is into enchanting and smithing. I spend the majority of my time looking for either craft stations or people I can sell my loot to. Is there a town that has everything I need in one place? I bought a house somewhere, I think in Whiterun, but they won't let me buy an enchanting crafting station.

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I don't think there is a place in vanilla Skyrim with all crafting stations conveniently close together, without the need to go in and out of buildings and deal with loading screens. What I used to do was do all my smithing at Warmaiden's in Whiterun (right by the city gate), alchemy in Breezehome (your Whiterun house), and enchanting in Farengar's office in Dragonsreach. (The courtwizard's office in the Whiterun palace).

Riverwood is nice too. All the smithing stuff at the local blacksmith (except for a smelter I think), alchemy at the inn, and if you have progressed far enough in the main quest, there is an enchanting table at the inn too. Of course, most towns offer what you need, I just found Whiterun and Riverwood the most convenient.


Hearthfire DLC offers homes that have everything you need, but it'll take a lot of time to build the homes and you'll still have to deal with loading screens, since some of it is outside, some inside, and some in the basement.


The easiest thing to do is to find yourself a mod that adds a player home with everything you need in one room.

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Windhelm is pretty convenient. Alchemy and Enchanting at the castle, or alchemy in the alchemy shop, then enchanting behind Nirane's stall, then all the smithing stuff in one spot. The alchemy shop is open 24/7 until you do a quest. I think it's probably the most convenient, as if you use the alchemy station in the shop, you only have 1 loading screen to deal with total, and it's all fairly close together.
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Riften is by far the best combination, hands down.


Everything is there except for the Smelter and you can go right down the road to Shor's Stone to smelt to your hearts content. Besides, if you are a member of the TG and have completed the Special Jobs quests there are more people to sell goods to than you can shake a stick at, including both the Caravan leader and the Khajiit fence right out side of the city gates from time to time.

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