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Textures Displaying Improperly


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Oh great. Time to break out my decade-old account. Oh joy.


To give a basic rundown of what's been happening, lately I've been into Oblivion again (probably in part thanks to how much time I have to spend at home these days), and became interested in trying new mods. Using my limited modding experience, I created a simple mod for myself that makes Golden Saints/Dark Seducers/Dremora into playable races. In case the information is relevant, the playable versions of the races are technically unique races, just identical to the NPCs, making it so that I could give them their own abilities without affecting the NPC individuals. The mod itself works great, but I've encountered an issue with how textures are displaying, specifically the male Saints and Seducers.


I believe the issue is as a result of a conflict with Robert's Male Body Replacer. (https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/14942) This mod actually created a conflict with another race mod I had downloaded, which I was able to fix by simply linking the new races to the vanilla textures. However, my Saints and Seducers are both using the vanilla textures themselves, but now the textures are loading in such a way that they give the males of both races a particularly splotchy appearance with visible seams. Females are fine. I will provide some screenshots to demonstrate the issue. I will be including those as a hyperlink to an Imgur album because the image feature seems to be very finicky.




I think the worst part is that the same textures are now being applied to the NPC individuals as well. Not that male Golden Saints and Dark Seducers are particularly common by any means, but still.


I am using the Steam version of Oblivion, which I know can have some conflicts with mods. Usually I have been able to find some workarounds, but in this case, I have tried resetting timestamps, archive invalidation, and changing load order in OBMM. None of these have had any success. Admittedly I am not particularly skilled in this sort of thing, and I think I have exhausted all options that I know of. I understand that Oblivion is an old game and many of its mods are old, although I'm not sure if that would make any difference in this case.


So that's about it. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could provide some help. I know it's not exactly a game breaking issue, as the mod still functions fine. It's just not very visually appealing.


If you need any more information, just let me know. :D

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First off ... is there a particular reason you are using version 4 of Roberts Male as opposed to RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52?


Just to give a check on the whole Steam issues thing, in OBMM the correct steps are ... click Utilities -> select Archive Invalidation -> make sure BSA Redirection is selected -> click Reset BSA Timestamps -> click Update Now -> close OBMM (I believe that OBMM doesn't commit it's changes until it is closed).


The screenshots look a little like vanilla textures on a Roberts body mesh to me, but I've never tried that "experiment" myself. I do know that version 5.x of Roberts Male has new higher resolution body textures and normal maps for Dark Seducers and Golden Saints (I have seen the version 5.2 Saints and Seducers textures but have never laid eyes on the version 4 textures for them).


That's where I'd start troubleshooting.

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Well, it's not what I'd call a conflict, but rather a lack of support.


As a little background:

Skin textures are different on a per-race and gender basis,

but body meshes are one and the same for all races, only different by gender.


The problem comes from your custom races having only Vanilla textures. They don't have the proper texture layout to wrap correctly around Robert's meshes.

Thanks to the above you also cannot have only your custom races use different body meshes. (It may be technically possible by now, but comes with a lot of work and drawbacks to get done right, and even then it's still not perfect.)


Your best bet would be to get a hold of fitting skin textures for Robert's Male bodies for your 3 custom races and exchange their "footmale.dds" and "footmale_n.dds" (Robert's Male uses only the foot texture wrapped around the whole body for seamless coverage, unlike Vanilla where it's 1 separate texture for each body part) respectively.


All your races' skin textures must be fitting Robert's Male bodies, or it will always look like that.



edit: Robert's Male V4 doesn't contain replacement skin textures for Golden Saints, Dark Seducers or Dremora. But Robert's Male V52 does.

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Thank you for the replies! It turns out the issue was in fact because I was using an outdated version of Robert's Male. I honestly was not aware that a newer version was available. Goes to show how out of the loop I am.


Applied the new textures and now my Saints and Seducers are looking significantly better. I was honestly unaware of the fact that the same meshes apply to all individuals of the same sex, although it certainly explains a lot of the issue I was having. I appreciate the help.

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I use Blockhead to apply some "optional" textures on a PerNPC basis to a few of my favourite Shivering Isles guardians (well along with a few hundred other NPCs in the game) ... but then again I am known to be a faithful servant of the Godz of Variety.


If you know how to copy/paste and rename files and create folders you have all the skills required.

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