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TESSnip sanitize confusion


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I found a strange bug when using FOMM's TESSnip which makes it impossible to keep recipes for crafting when I choose to sanitize through the spells tab. I get this message,


The plugin contains records which were not recognised, and cannot be fixed automatically


At first I thought it was because I was merging mods using this program but it did the same thing when I made a recipe from scratch! After the message pop-up the records are moved to another category and the RCPE one is gone :confused:


Is this a common problem? Is there a fix for this?


FYI the recipes do actually work in-game, and I have the latest version of FOMM available through the mirror, and I have the latest steam patches.



EDIT: Turns out it's doing the same thing for Item Mods (weapon mods) too, and I am now thinking that some other additional categories are affected too. Most are it just seems to be a few categories that can't be read by TESSnip properly :unsure:

Edited by Ironman5000
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FNVEdit did that to me with IMOD types. I suspect they weren't updated for New Vegas as carefully as they could have been. New Vegas adds a slew of new form types, I can think of three off my head (RCPE - recipe, IMOD - ItemMod, and CMNY - Caravan Money), and my guess is that FNVEdit and the like just didn't keep up, and so their form flags show up as invalid. TESSnip seems to be the same.
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