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oblivion load save crash


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Basically I went into the chapel of Arkay in Cheydinhal and i sat down on a bench and waited 5 hours and my oblivion crashed. At first i thought nothing of it, but then when i try load the autosave it always crashes! Is there a way to stop it from crashing?

My latest other saves / quicksaves are from ages ago and i don't want to have to do everything i did in that time again. Please Help!

Edited by MothMan8
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Autosave in Oblivion is known to be very buggy and should always be turned off, if you don't want to run into troubles like this. I'm afraid you have encountered this bug, and I know no way that you can save this file. You should *always* get into the habit of saving in regular save slots, and never, ever, rely on quicksaves and autosaves. Lesson learned well, I think.
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