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Blender problems.


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I need some advice on blender..

the thing is, that i have recently made a tent,, but there something wrong, when i export the NIF there is nothing in NIFscope??

i followed this to tutorial to get everything done:




another thing is; when i try to scale up the model nothing happends..

but if i go into another blend. file everything scales fine..

this is what happends when i try to Scale both the cullusion, the tent and the wood skeleton of the tent:



i hope some one has some advice on this.. i am soo close too making my first export..

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yes, i did select all of the things,, cullusion and every thing... before i exported..

You might find the objects will move around less when scaling if you scale them in Edit Mode instead of Object Mode.

that thing did the trick.. but i used to be able to scale in Object mode as well


thanks BTW..


i still dont know why it dosent show uo in NIFscope..

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that thing did the trick.. but i used to be able to scale in Object mode as well

It moves while scaling if you move the object around in Edit Mode. I guess Blender thinks the "root" of the object is still where it was before moving...


What does the Block List of the exported .nif look like? Empty? I really have no idea what would be causing it...

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Hey simonp92,


Anytime I had trouble exporting from blender and ended up only getting 1 kb, it turned out to be a problem with the collision.


So I'm curious... if you export your tent without the collision, if it will show up in nifskope. If it does, you can create the collision seperatly, export it, and combine the two nifs into one, using nifskope.

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When asking for help with Blender, please do not forget to list what software versions you are using.




Blender 2.48a

Blender NIF Scripts 2.3.13

PyFFI 1.1.0

Python 2.5.2

NifSkope 1.0.16


This helps tremendously, especially if we spot that you are using old versions such as NIF Scripts being outdated with newer versions fixing certain problems you might be experiencing.


If you are getting an empty NIF file (1kb), you need to look at the DOS screen (ALT+Tab) which is the black box that starts up with Blender and see what error message is displayed. This is also very helpful in troubleshooting.




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