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FWE, WMK, RH Ironsights and texture issues


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Alrighty then, because I'm too lazy to search endlessly for a problem akin to mine, I'll say that I'm having issues with textures on a bunch of different items, i.e. the mp38, lewis machinegun, bar, browning hi power, the chief outcast dude's armor and other stuff. Seems like the regular type of texture issues, but I've never been able to fix those. Ever. The mesh is there, but it seems like it is loading the wrong texture. If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated. I'm running FWE, MMM, WMK, RH Ironsights, NMC's performance texture pack, fellout and a few other little mods.
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Do you have FOMM, FOSE, ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated? What is your load order? How did you install the mods, FOMM or NMM? Texture problems are "usually" the result of not using ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated! properly. If you tried to install Fellout or FWE with NMM, they are probably not installed properly.
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