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Why do people get annoyed Script Dragon?


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Just curious, I've been using Script Dragon mods for afew days now and they are fantastic, they make hotkeys better... dual blocking, auto-casting flawlessly etc..


Yet in all these great mods there seems to be some folk complaining about it being Script Dragon and not SKSE.


I just wondering, is there any technical reasons why people don't like Script Dragon? so far I've had no issues with it at all.

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Probably no.

From what I've heard they are quite similar.

Only difference is maybe that Script dragon seems to be easier to use. (in modders view) I've never seen "simple" mod using SKSE. (weather cycling, toggleable werewolf transform etc. )

But I've noticed that "bigger mods" tend to use SKSE.

Maybe it's just a "ego" thing.

You know, SKSE is launched via separate launcher, script dragon is just couple of files.


At least I trust SKSE more.

Also, I don't really need any mods which use Script Dragon. Those are just so.. Simple. (and usually cheat-like :rolleyes: )

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On the contrary. SKSE is easier to use for both modders and the players. Script Dragon was great until now since it allowed to do things you couldnt do with SKSE. That is no longer the case and I advice you to stick to SKSE. The are rumours that Script Dragon is causing some issues with some mods though its very hard to verify this. Personally I have switched my mod to SKSE.

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