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Creation Kit - Changing a Static object to an Activator for Workshop Mod

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Woody's Wasteland Stuff is one of the best Workshop mods available. I know the author is no longer updating it for real life reasons, but there's been a few things I've always thought were missing, so I thought I'd try posting it to The Collective.

One thing I thought has been missing were some resource stats on a few of the items instead of just being decorative. For example, the Barrel Water Tank and Barrel Water Heater I've always felt should be more functional than just decoration and should also count toward water resources in your settlement like the Windmill does. Also, the Fireplace and Barrel Fireplace could go toward settlement happiness (after all, Boston can get wicked effing cold, you know!).

I've figured out how to do this with Activator items in Creation Kit, such as the kitchen and barrel sink because the Actor can interact with them, I suppose? For those items, I've been able to raise the water count in my settlements 3 points by adding the WorkshopObjectScript, and Water and WorkshopResourceObject to Actor Values.


I cannot figure out how to convert a static item to an activated one, though. Changing the Actor Value isn't enough for a static item. It shows it as a water resource when you place it, but it doesn't actually count toward your resource total in the settlement indicator.


After much teeth gnashing, I assumed you'd have to delete it as a Static item and re-add it as an Activator, otherwise you can't apply the WorkshopObjectScript, but my attempt to do that wiped it completely from the menu. Clearly I know enough to damage things, but not to figure it out on my own. There's probably a tutorial out there that shows how to do just this, but my Google attempts have failed me.

I want to do this the right way, and not just hack it in FO4Edit. I'd love to learn what the hell I'm doing so I can upload a patch for this awesome mod for those interested!

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1. All you need is to find out what the .nif is called.

2. You export the .nif from the Meshes.ba2

3. Make a new activator and give it the .nif you want it to have


4. Don't forget for a working workshopobject you need:

Actor Value: Water, WorkshopResourceObject 1

Script: Workshopobjectscript, with "Workshop Parent" filled out

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Hi Zorkaz! Thank you so much.


The .nif is already IN the mod, so I guess I should make a copy of it. Should I then delete the Static item and just replace it with the new activator? Will it automatically add it to the build menu? I thought I'd already done that but then the item wasn't on the build menu anymore when I went back into the game.

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If you are trying to use the mesh from a static item on a new activator item, you don't actually need to extract anything from an archive to get the file path/name of the mesh you want to make the activator with.


From the Object Window, just open the static item you want to use the mesh from. Go to the Model field and you'll see the file path to the mesh for that item.


Copy the file path. Now go to your Activator and open it.


Go to the Model field and click the Edit button. This opens the Model Data window.


Paste the file path you copied from the static into the Model File Name field.


The activator item in the preview window should now be using the mesh you copied the path for. Close out all the windows and your activator will now be using the new mesh.


Not sure if that's where you're getting hung up or if I missed something in what you were trying to do, but that's I find that's the easiest way to swap one mesh for another, which is what it seems you want to do.

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