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Fallout Remake


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After seeing that a group is releasing a remake of Half-Life in the Half-Life 2 Source engine - blackmesasource , I got to thinking about this, so I just have to say it.


So, how about a remake of Fallout 1 or 2 in the Fallout 3 engine? Obviously, this would be a huge task requiring lots of terrain and building modelling, voicework(?), re-balancing, etc...


For that matter, I'm kind of surprised that Bethesda doesn't do this themselves, since these would make amazing DLC, and all the writing and quest designs are complete and top quality.



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Actually, falloutx, if the people did everything themselves (as in, used all their own models, script effects, textures, etc.) than yes, it's legal. The OP mentioned Black Mesa Source; they are doing, exactly as he said, a complete remake of the original Half-Life using much enhanced physics, modeling, textures, and scripting. It looks amazing, and it is legal because they aren't making any money off it.


If a group tried to do the same for Fallout, they'd have a tough job of it because of the vast difference in style a 3rd person, isometric game like the original Fallout has from Fallout 3, but it would be legal so long as they didn't try and sell it.

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yeah thats true ,well if its possible its a go but if its possible using unreal tournemant engine thats gonan be cool in my opinion but fallout 3 is already like a remake adding fallout - 1 and 2 on the game itself
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We would need to add a lot to Fallout 1 and 2 because all the locations in it are very far apart, it would be very boring to travel from point A to B to C with nothing in between.
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