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I don't think it should work that way, Draugr attack you, not because they're jealous of your pristine skin, not because you're alive, but because you're an invader, because they're defending their crypts, the dragon priests of whatever else they keep in those ruins :D

Draugr aren't completely mindless from my understanding.


My 2cents


Ah ok, thanks :)

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No problem :)


Question: when the player goes through the ritual and creates the phylactery will the player be classed as undead? i.e will i be able to walk through a crypt full of draugr and not get attacked?

You will be classed as undead, yes, which means that silver weapons do extra damage to you, the Necromage perk boosts spells you cast on yourself (or not, if you use the Unofficial Skyrim Patch or a standalone "fix"), stuff like that.


I don't think it should work that way, Draugr attack you, not because they're jealous of your pristine skin, not because you're alive, but because you're an invader, because they're defending their crypts, the dragon priests of whatever else they keep in those ruins :D

Draugr aren't completely mindless from my understanding.

Draugr will still attack you even if you're undead -- you're undead, doesn't mean you're their type of undead. ;)

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No problem :)


Question: when the player goes through the ritual and creates the phylactery will the player be classed as undead? i.e will i be able to walk through a crypt full of draugr and not get attacked?

You will be classed as undead, yes, which means that silver weapons do extra damage to you, the Necromage perk boosts spells you cast on yourself (or not, if you use the Unofficial Skyrim Patch or a standalone "fix"), stuff like that.


I don't think it should work that way, Draugr attack you, not because they're jealous of your pristine skin, not because you're alive, but because you're an invader, because they're defending their crypts, the dragon priests of whatever else they keep in those ruins :D

Draugr aren't completely mindless from my understanding.

Draugr will still attack you even if you're undead -- you're undead, doesn't mean you're their type of undead. ;)

Good 2 hear

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I don't think it should work that way, Draugr attack you, not because they're jealous of your pristine skin, not because you're alive, but because you're an invader, because they're defending their crypts, the dragon priests of whatever else they keep in those ruins :D

Draugr aren't completely mindless from my understanding.


My 2cents


I think it should be the weaker undead i.e skeletons and low level draugr

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Are there any level/skill level requirements for this?

As-of-yet undetermined.


There will not be any fixed "you must be level X"/"you must have Y in skill Z" requirements. Rather, the only requirements will be your capability to complete the research (the journal fragments will be scattered about Skyrim, mostly within dangerous locations), and having enough Magicka to cast the two spells necessary (Magicka requirements not yet determined).

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Personally, I think it would be better for the nether lich to use either a skeleton or low-level draugr model. If they use the same rigging skeleton as the dragon priest, then in theory you should be able to apply the dragon priest animations to the skeleton or draugr? This way, you would be able to keep your apparel equipped, instead of being forced to use dragon priest robes while weakened.

Draugr would be awesome though - I have a mod which makes them look more like in Bloodmoon - black skin and red eyes. :O

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All these Ideas sound fantastic to me! :) atm I am creating the ultimate lich haven.......dark mist....crypts.....summoning circles...undead minions...about 1/4 done (started yesterday) maybe once I'm finished I will upload it as a sorta "lich home sweet home" :) ooooh your close to a release? that sounds absolutely awesome...I can't wait!!! I guess I can bear looking like a human lich atleast for the first few versions........


When your done could you put a link to your (what i assume is) house mod I would actually like to see it.


ya sure thing, It's basically a nordic crypt thats farely small with a few small rooms (alchemy and such) and then one large room that I will be using as my "headquarters", I just need to learn how to add non-hostile enemies.....I just started it tho...might be a few weeks (nav-meshing is a pain)

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I support this mod through and through, there was a mod like this for oblivion that I never got to finish because my PC died on me, and ever since I got into skyrim I've been hoping for a mod like this. I love playing powerful evil necromages, and being a vampire just isn't doing it for me in skyrim, even with some great vampire mods and dawnguard.


EDIT: If and when you need beta testers, I would be happy to give you some help, I run a lot of nercomancy mods, magic mods, and SkyRe, so it will be a good compatibility test.

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ya sure thing, It's basically a nordic crypt thats farely small with a few small rooms (alchemy and such) and then one large room that I will be using as my "headquarters", I just need to learn how to add non-hostile enemies.....I just started it tho...might be a few weeks (nav-meshing is a pain)

make a skeleton or draugr body and then when your choosing AI packages select i think its stationary they wont move if you do but I might be wrong

but I think head tracking is still active when they are stationary.


On another note like the screen shot I took




Thats me :D

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