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I'm really looking forward to this! The only "gripe" i have is the Phylactery. According to Celedaen http://uesp.net/wiki/Lore:The_Path_of_Transcendence The Phylactery loses it's purpose the minute the transformation is complete. There is no need to keep it around afterwards.

The lore's actually contradictory on this point, with -- as you point out -- Celedaen saying the phylactery is inconsequential after the transference, but lich lore citing it as their weakness.


One way of reconciling the two is to point out the Celedaen himself chastised his own ignorance and foolishness in a subsequent entry in that same journal; maybe, while he was wrong about how to obtain the secrets, he was also wrong about the significance of the phylactery?


Another way of reconciling it is to recognize that there are different types of liches with TES lore, and that Celedaen's method of obtaining lichdom (getting the secrets via divine revelation) and Artun's method (good old fashioned (magical) science) are different, so quite likely while they achieve similar results there will be differences.


To put it another way, is a vampire a vampire? Well, no, actually -- one turned via Sanguinare Vampiris (Skyrim) has different abilities and different weakness than one turned via Porphyric Hemophilia (Oblivion). Or consider any of the host of other undead creatures throughout TES, each of which has several different variations even within the same game. Surely liches are no different in this regard, and there are different types of liches with different abilities and different weaknesses?

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If I remember correctly, Celedaen states he receieved the information directly from the King of Worms. However He never stated (iirc) what he did to achieve this information.


Wouldn't it be interesting if he communed with the ideal masters by mistake, and that tossing his own phylactery when it was over would've achieved the same result? Hummm Just a thought.


Incidentally, we never get to see if Celedaen's method was confirmed. According to his information it was, but who's to say it was accurate? We didn't exactly let him confirm it ;)

Edited by DaxxTrias
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When is it coming. Oh god. I can't wait. I will explode.

Self destruction sequence initiating in 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5...

404: Self Destruction not found.


Edited by Sanfredo
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When is it coming. Oh god. I can't wait. I will explode.

Self destruction sequence initiating in 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5...

404: Self Destruction not found.





Based on alpha 3 (which is about a month or so old) the mod is nearer to completion than it is to the starting point. That is to say, it is at least halfway there, although I would say more - the main infrastructure is in place.

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I always get nervous when I see the author of a mod I'm awaiting on eagerly, not logon for 2+ weeks :(


I think its been about 8 years now since I got my last dose of Lichcraft from that morrowind mod, My breton ranger is literally dying to have this

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  • 2 weeks later...
In the dawnguard game there is a bit of lore that the ideal masters would give someone power (of the necromancy kind) like summoning powerful undead etc. Maybe you could add a pure lich form that would be more powerful than the ancient lich because it draws power directly from the soul cairn it's self. Some of the pros for this could be more books about the ideal masters and you have something that does not require the dawnguard dlc but would fit in with it. The dlc does not go into much detail about them so there's some space.
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I haven't heard anything. Bear in mind though - I'm working on a mod of my own but because of exams I'm completely unable to make any kind of progress. kromey might just be extremely busy.

I don't profess to know him well, but I don't believe that he would leave us testers or you guys hanging - if he was leaving the mod, he would tell everyone. He just seems like that kind of guy. Hold off the doomsday predictions!

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