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ya sure thing, It's basically a nordic crypt thats farely small with a few small rooms (alchemy and such) and then one large room that I will be using as my "headquarters", I just need to learn how to add non-hostile enemies.....I just started it tho...might be a few weeks (nav-meshing is a pain)

make a skeleton or draugr body and then when your choosing AI packages select i think its stationary they wont move if you do but I might be wrong

but I think head tracking is still active when they are stationary.


On another note like the screen shot I took




Thats me :D


That is so motherf'ing awesome!

Now i really want that he would make liches into skeletons :confused:


What mod are you using to turn into that skeleton?

Edited by skulleris
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ya sure thing, It's basically a nordic crypt thats farely small with a few small rooms (alchemy and such) and then one large room that I will be using as my "headquarters", I just need to learn how to add non-hostile enemies.....I just started it tho...might be a few weeks (nav-meshing is a pain)

make a skeleton or draugr body and then when your choosing AI packages select i think its stationary they wont move if you do but I might be wrong

but I think head tracking is still active when they are stationary.


On another note like the screen shot I took




Thats me :D


Haha awesome man, i have a skeleton race mod but i haven't made any skeleton characters yet

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ya sure thing, It's basically a nordic crypt thats farely small with a few small rooms (alchemy and such) and then one large room that I will be using as my "headquarters", I just need to learn how to add non-hostile enemies.....I just started it tho...might be a few weeks (nav-meshing is a pain)

make a skeleton or draugr body and then when your choosing AI packages select i think its stationary they wont move if you do but I might be wrong

but I think head tracking is still active when they are stationary.


On another note like the screen shot I took




Thats me :D



That is so motherf'ing awesome!

Now i really want that he would make liches into skeletons :confused:


What mod are you using to turn into that skeleton?

wow, now i'm really debating whether or not I want to look like a dragonpriest, or a skeleton..... decisions decisions .....if you could let us know which mod your using too, that would be great :) Edited by sweetsnowboarding
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ya sure thing, It's basically a nordic crypt thats farely small with a few small rooms (alchemy and such) and then one large room that I will be using as my "headquarters", I just need to learn how to add non-hostile enemies.....I just started it tho...might be a few weeks (nav-meshing is a pain)

make a skeleton or draugr body and then when your choosing AI packages select i think its stationary they wont move if you do but I might be wrong

but I think head tracking is still active when they are stationary.


On another note like the screen shot I took




Thats me :D


That is so motherf'ing awesome!

Now i really want that he would make liches into skeletons :confused:


What mod are you using to turn into that skeleton?


Using Undead V.2 on steam its not finished yet so some armors dont work and you legs come out of the shoes so I just didn't were any

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Sorry for the lack of updates -- work's crazy, with a major client threatening to walk away unless I can rescue a project that's been delayed and all but doomed by hardware and third-party software issues I have no control over, but naturally it's my job to fix!


I haven't forgotten you guys or this mod, though, and progress on Lichdom has been good. I expect to have an alpha release done in the next few days, however because it is very likely to break save games (owing to the state in which I intend to "release" it for early testing and feedback) I will not be putting this on the Nexus, nor any other generally-accessible distribution network.


If you would like to help alpha test this mod -- and if you understand and accept that the alpha versions should under no circumstances be used in a save you intend to continue playing, and that all future alpha versions are expected to go into clean saves -- send me a PM. (You're welcome -- and in fact encouraged -- to use a current save game for the alpha testing, just be sure to disable the mod and go back to that save point when you want to continue playing, or when you update to a new alpha version.)


A more stable, generally-available beta release should be going onto the Nexus in about a week or two I expect, depending on how many issues turn up in the alpha. Note that the beta will likely be missing some features, but everything that's listed in the OP should be done and available by the time version 1.0 comes out (some time after the beta).



As a side note, I do not intend to release the source scripts for this mod during the alpha or beta stages, however at or shortly after the general release I will have them cleaned up, documented, and available for download to anyone who wants them (to save space they won't be included in the main download).

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