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:nuke: I have made a decision. :nuke:


Many of you won't like it; for this reason (and because it's a significant change to what I've thus far promised), I have pondered this choice for quite some time, and have finally come to a decision on it: Everyone will love it, and I shouldn't have fretted over it for near as long:

Fix'd! :thumbsup:

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I'm unsure if this was discussed before, but it seems that "spell absorption" affects conjuring creatures, which seems like it would be a pretty important thing for a lich.


Has anybody else had this issue?


People have said its been solved by the "unofficial skyrim patch" but I have that and it still does it

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Yeah, it's something that's been at the back of my mind for a while. I've been ignoring it for now, focusing instead on the lich as a necromancer rather than a summoner (I've tested, and while daedric summons are indeed affected by spell absorption raising undead is not), but it's been in my plans to release a standalone fix for the issue for those who don't use the USKP (such as me, as a lot of what it "fixes" I don't think is actually broken -- e.g. why shouldn't Necromage boost the spells an undead character casts on himself?).


That said, though, that's a bit discouraging that the USKP doesn't fix the spell absorption/summoning issue. I'd always just assumed it had. I'll have to do some testing and see what I can come up with to work around the problem, if not come up with a proper fix.

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One of my mods fixes the absorbtion issue. Thing is, I have ten or twelve different magic mods, approximately three of which affect summoning and necromancy. I'm on a tablet, so I'll double check later, but either Soulmaster Unlimited, or Invested Magic are the two most likely that I can think of.
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Yeah, it's something that's been at the back of my mind for a while. I've been ignoring it for now, focusing instead on the lich as a necromancer rather than a summoner (I've tested, and while daedric summons are indeed affected by spell absorption raising undead is not), but it's been in my plans to release a standalone fix for the issue for those who don't use the USKP (such as me, as a lot of what it "fixes" I don't think is actually broken -- e.g. why shouldn't Necromage boost the spells an undead character casts on himself?).


That said, though, that's a bit discouraging that the USKP doesn't fix the spell absorption/summoning issue. I'd always just assumed it had. I'll have to do some testing and see what I can come up with to work around the problem, if not come up with a proper fix.


Ahhh Dammit. I did a little testing last night and it seems that the problem is corrected for 'vanilla' skyrim summons if you are using USKP, not any mods that add summonable creatures, such as the 'armored skeleton' summons I'm using from 'Skyrim Immersive creatures'


Ohhh well, sooo it goes. I'll just deal with only summoning a creature half the time and hopefully you'll make a standalone that uses magicka resist instead of spell absorb.

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Ohhh well, sooo it goes. I'll just deal with only summoning a creature half the time and hopefully you'll make a standalone that uses magicka resist instead of spell absorb.

Eh, this I don't see happening. While in the long run 50% magic resist and 50% magic absorb are the same in terms of damage received, I'm much more liking the concept of the latter for the lich, where its enemies' own magic gets absorbed and turned back against them!


What I do intend to do is to create a standalone patch for the vanilla summon spells so that they won't be affected by spell absorb, same as USKP does but without all the other nonsense in USKP.


Well Dragonborn is out if you want to take a look at the epic sights of Apocrypha and marvel at the possibilities of hiding forbidden knowledge!

Man, every time I watch the promo video for it on Steam, I get more and more excited for it. Going to wait, though, until I get Lichdom 1.0 out, before I install it and start playing with it -- because I'll likely disappear into Solstheim for a good long while before coming back out to continue working on the mod!

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