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Also, a quick status update (well, really more of a prediction...):


Work has finally calmed down a bit, so once I log off today I plan on firing up the CK for the first time in almost two weeks, and with any luck by this evening I'll be sending the first alpha test version to my testers! :thumbsup: I'm hopeful that the pace of work can pick up after that and that I can bang out more alpha versions and soon the general beta!



Hm, I don't think I've ever explained my release plan...


Basically, I plan on doing a 4-stage development:

The first stage is already nearing completion -- that's my own development and testing.

Stage 2 is the Alpha, a series of incrementally more complete early versions of the mod, sent out to my half dozen testers to find bugs for me to fix.

Stage 3 will be the Beta, and will be the first time Lichdom will appear on the Nexus. The Beta should be expected to still have some bugs to work out, but hopefully the Alpha will find all the really egregious ones.

Stage 4 will be the general release, and will be when Lichdom ticks over from the 0.x Beta versions to 1.0.

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Eh, this I don't see happening. While in the long run 50% magic resist and 50% magic absorb are the same in terms of damage received, I'm much more liking the concept of the latter for the lich, where its enemies' own magic gets absorbed and turned back against them!


What I do intend to do is to create a standalone patch for the vanilla summon spells so that they won't be affected by spell absorb, same as USKP does but without all the other nonsense in USKP.


That's understandable, if it gets too annoying i'll just use the CK to edit it for my game....or even better, figure out someway for the conjuration spells I use not to be affected by the spell absorption.

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Does anybody know if there is a mod that adds a full face 'Skull Helmet' similar to the robes found in the oblivion mod 'Mannimarco Revisited'?


I use the 'tribunal mage robes' mod and I think a skull helmet would work perfectly...especially with the whole Lich theme.


(Yes, I've tried the Playable Skeleton Mod...it has potential but as it is now...no)

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Does anybody know if there is a mod that adds a full face 'Skull Helmet' similar to the robes found in the oblivion mod 'Mannimarco Revisited'?


I use the 'tribunal mage robes' mod and I think a skull helmet would work perfectly...especially with the whole Lich theme.


(Yes, I've tried the Playable Skeleton Mod...it has potential but as it is now...no)




You need a bit of skill with Nifskope to make it work like "mask", that only covers head and is usable with hoods.

Here's a related post:



I am not sure if the skull is already assigned to use *HEAD* slot, I could believe it is.

If so, you'd just need to remove the hood from the mesh with Nifskope, which is easy task.

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You need a bit of skill with Nifskope to make it work like "mask", that only covers head and is usable with hoods.

Here's a related post:



I am not sure if the skull is already assigned to use *HEAD* slot, I could believe it is.

If so, you'd just need to remove the hood from the mesh with Nifskope, which is easy task.


Thanks buddy!


Never used Nifskope before but no time like the present!

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