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I could use some suggestions, guys!


A part of the quest to become a lich, the player has to find 5 journal fragments from around Skyrim. I intend to use the Radiant Quest system to place these in the world, thereby ensuring that no two play-throughs are exactly the same (and that no one can cheat the quest by simply looking up the locations of the fragments (although of course if you really want to cheat, you can just console your way to victory...)). My plan is to distribute the journal fragments to bandits, necromancers, and forsworn.


My question to y'all is: Good choices? Should some on this list not be? Should some not on this list be on it?


My reasoning for each group is:

Necromancers: Should be obvious -- they're after the secrets of lichdom themselves!

Forsworn: They seem to have a similar interest in undeath, perhaps looking for a way to enhance the powers of their briarhearts. I'm most uncertain on this one, though.

Bandits: It's impossible to miss that this journal is valuable if you happen upon someone who has a fragment, or is after one, and bandits love things that are valuable.


Maybe hagravens could have a fragment, trying to unlock the secrets of lichdom to further their own agendas vis-a-vis the briarhearts they create?


The only hard requirement is that the fragments be attainable by any player, regardless of the status of other quests (so putting one in the Dark Brotherhood's sanctuary is a no).


There is also a second book, The Immortality of Artun, with information about Artun, the necromancer whose journal you're seeking; alongside this book is a note that includes the locations of all 5 journal fragments, and is the only way to get quest markers on them. This book and note will be locked away in a chest in the College of Winterhold's library; the only key will be kept in the Archmage's quarters. Getting this book thus requires the player becoming the Archmage, or picking a very difficult lock, however either way it's entirely optional -- you don't actually need this to finish the quest, it just makes it a heckuva lot easier to find the journal fragments.



All those options seem reasonable to me.


I always took the forsworn, especially the magic users to be similar to Witch Doctors, which to feature heavily in voodoo and undead magics so that seems fine to be.


Hagravens are basically witches so yea, I can see one having a journal fragment.


I guess I'm going to need the get that CTD around the reach sorted :P


As you said, bandits are greedy cutt-throats and they would most likely have an eye for something that is valuable.



....Can't wait!

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The mod sounds good, what is the known Dragonborn bug? Can't wait for the release!

Apparently "dying" while in Apocrypha is supposed to just send your consciousness back to your body, but if you die as a lich there your consciousness returns and you're now a nether lich! You should instead return to your body without any change being made. Fixing this would require the script to check whether or not you're in Apocrypha, but of course that's not something I can check for without knowing what the conditions will end up being -- which means I need the DLC first.


Fortunately there's a simple workaround: Don't die in Apocrypha. :P

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