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That looks pretty sweet, lordzaros!


Hm, just had a totally crazy thought: Is it possible to put an item in the player's inventory, and force it to be equipped, without it showing up in their inventory? Making a skull "mask" that is forced onto the player when they become a lich could be a quick, easy, albeit rather dirty method of applying a different look to the lich.


Or better yet: Since the player will be forced to wear their phylactery while a lich, maybe the mesh could be updated to include both amulet and mask? I have no idea if that would play well with head movements though -- maybe someone up on meshes and such could provide some insight?



I'm sure it can be done (i'm not sure how to do it but I can look into it)


The only thing is that, well it only changes the head. Everything else is skin. Now you would think that a lich would basically be covered in robes and regalia like so that you could only see the face...not everyone would like that me thinks. Especially people who have female characters, those armors then to show alot more skin and any armor that shows any skin would kinda kill the RPing aspect.


I think the best thing to do is add it as an optional add-on to the mod for those who know they will be wearing robes, etc and will basically be fully covered up.

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That looks pretty sweet, lordzaros!


Hm, just had a totally crazy thought: Is it possible to put an item in the player's inventory, and force it to be equipped, without it showing up in their inventory? Making a skull "mask" that is forced onto the player when they become a lich could be a quick, easy, albeit rather dirty method of applying a different look to the lich.


Or better yet: Since the player will be forced to wear their phylactery while a lich, maybe the mesh could be updated to include both amulet and mask? I have no idea if that would play well with head movements though -- maybe someone up on meshes and such could provide some insight?

I imagine you could create an entire 'lich suite' (Or just the mask) that equips automatically and into the normal slots, but have the inventory image just SHOWN as an amulet (or some other object) since the inventory image doesn't have to match what it actually equips as. Just leave "amulet" ticked as an equip slot, and you probably don't even have to add the amulet itself into the mesh displayed on the character if you don't want to.

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When is this coming. The wait. It's making me angry. ME ANGRY! HULK SMASH!!

I'm giving up providing an estimate on release -- things keep popping up that require being addressed first, or that slow down development and I get behind where I thought I would be.


That said, though, it is getting close to being done, so it'll be out Soon*!


*"Soon" is a Registered Trademark of 3D Realms, developer of Duke Nukem Forever.

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When is this coming. The wait. It's making me angry. ME ANGRY! HULK SMASH!!

I'm giving up providing an estimate on release -- things keep popping up that require being addressed first, or that slow down development and I get behind where I thought I would be.


That said, though, it is getting close to being done, so it'll be out Soon*!


*"Soon" is a Registered Trademark of 3D Realms, developer of Duke Nukem Forever.


Good way to express it is saying "It'll get released once it's ready"



Also, I am hugely sorry for the lack of participication on beta.. I've had couple of IRL things that keep me reserved quite well, and when I'm finally on my own PC, skyrim is not the first thing I want to think about.

(Even if I do spend alot of my free time on Nexus..)

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When is this coming. The wait. It's making me angry. ME ANGRY! HULK SMASH!!

I'm giving up providing an estimate on release -- things keep popping up that require being addressed first, or that slow down development and I get behind where I thought I would be.


That said, though, it is getting close to being done, so it'll be out Soon*!


*"Soon" is a Registered Trademark of 3D Realms, developer of Duke Nukem Forever.

Oh noes. D:

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When is this coming. The wait. It's making me angry. ME ANGRY! HULK SMASH!!

I'm giving up providing an estimate on release -- things keep popping up that require being addressed first, or that slow down development and I get behind where I thought I would be.


That said, though, it is getting close to being done, so it'll be out Soon*!


*"Soon" is a Registered Trademark of 3D Realms, developer of Duke Nukem Forever.


Good way to express it is saying "It'll get released once it's ready"



Also, I am hugely sorry for the lack of participication on beta.. I've had couple of IRL things that keep me reserved quite well, and when I'm finally on my own PC, skyrim is not the first thing I want to think about.

(Even if I do spend alot of my free time on Nexus..)

No worries, I know all too well how life can get in the way, and it's part of the reason I accepted as many testers as I did -- I don't really need 6 people looking for bugs, but having 6 means that if 4 can't for any reason I've still got 2. :)

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Status update: It's getting exciting, folks!! I just sent Alpha 3 to my testers, and this version finally has a fully-functional quest to find the secrets to becoming a lich, one that will take you to the furthest corners of Skyrim and -- at least it has for me -- show you interesting places you've not yet seen in the game!


Using the Radiant Quest system means that I wasn't restricted only to places I know, and it was actually a lot faster to do it this way (because I suck at navigating in 3D editors); it also means that no two games will be alike!


With this major piece now in place, there's only a few more big pieces and a small handful of minor to-do items yet to cross off my list; I hope to have Alpha 4 to my testers this weekend, and soon after that I should be able to finally publish the open beta!


A quick note, though: I will be traveling next week for work, and even though I'll likely have a lot of down time after work hours, I won't have access to my Skyrim computer. This means that if Alpha 4 is even a day later than I plan (and so far they've all been 1-3 days late), it will be delayed at least a full week, and either way the public beta is most likely at least 2-3 weeks away still. Still, I think it's looking good to release version 1.0 by the end of March!

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Status update: It's getting exciting, folks!! I just sent Alpha 3 to my testers, and this version finally has a fully-functional quest to find the secrets to becoming a lich, one that will take you to the furthest corners of Skyrim and -- at least it has for me -- show you interesting places you've not yet seen in the game!


Using the Radiant Quest system means that I wasn't restricted only to places I know, and it was actually a lot faster to do it this way (because I suck at navigating in 3D editors); it also means that no two games will be alike!


With this major piece now in place, there's only a few more big pieces and a small handful of minor to-do items yet to cross off my list; I hope to have Alpha 4 to my testers this weekend, and soon after that I should be able to finally publish the open beta!


A quick note, though: I will be traveling next week for work, and even though I'll likely have a lot of down time after work hours, I won't have access to my Skyrim computer. This means that if Alpha 4 is even a day later than I plan (and so far they've all been 1-3 days late), it will be delayed at least a full week, and either way the public beta is most likely at least 2-3 weeks away still. Still, I think it's looking good to release version 1.0 by the end of March!


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