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If this mod dies, all hope will die with it. If you don't finish what you've started kromey, I will come to your house and EAT YOU! This is no joke, be warned. BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID.


Even if this a joke...and I hope that it is...this is unacceptable. I suggest you think about that and review the Terms of Service of this site while you serve your 7 day formal warning.~Lisnpuppy

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I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason why he's not logged on for a while, he is a human after all, he might have personal issues or work issues. We just don't know. So we should be patient, after all modding is something he probably does in his spare time, he might have more important matters to attend to which take priority over modding. But i personally don't think he will give up on Lichdom.

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