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Mod Just Won't Go Away


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I have tried everything to get back to my original "vanilla" game including a complete wipe and re-download/install, but my mods are still functioning.

-Nothing shows up under "data" when I start the game.

-Nothing suspicious in the /Skyrim or /Skyrim/Data folder either.

-Nexus Mod Manager doesn't register any mods.


However when I get into the game, I can clearly see my sims hairstyle and girly run animation. I have looked through other similar threads but haven't found anything that's worked for me. What am I doing wrong?


Thank so much for you help!

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When you say "wipe," do you mean you deleted the local content and reinstalled? If so, this is not enough. When you reinstall, Steam will restore the files as they were when the local content was deleted. Because things like hair and running animations don't always require an .esp and simply replace a vanilla file, they wouldn't necessarily show up under any sorting programs.


To get a true clean install, delete your Skyrim folder manually. Then use Steam to delete the local content, and reinstall. Hope that helps. :)

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Use this guide , as you wont have to download again == http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again


Skyrim, and most programs TESVEdit, BOSS ...use a file called "Plugins.txt" located here>>>C:\Users\"your user name"\AppData\Local\Skyrim <<clear that too.


Bet you have Steam installed to one of the UAC folders..."Program files" windows is pulling a fast one on ya. It uses "Virtual" folders hiding the actual folders from you.


UAC should stand for User Actually Cant .

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