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My Game is Still Crashing. Need Help.


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I described the original problem in this https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8633853-recover-from-a-fatal-error/


I just finished uninstalling and reinstalling SkyrimSE but it is still crashing. I don't know what else to try.


I have a question. My "Saved Games" folder is empty. Is this where my play throughs are kept? If it is, they are gone, yet I see them in the game's Continue screen in the Load option. But even if they weren't deleted that wouldn't explain why the game also crashes when I start a new game,


Another question: I'm using MO2. I have my load order set up in MO2 so I have been ignoring the load order in the Mods option of the game's Continue screen. Could that be a problem?


Progress note one. I thought of something else to try. I disabled all of my mods in MO2 and was able to start a new play through without it crashing, so I know the problem is mod related.


Progress note two. I reactivated every one of my mods without the crashing problem coming back. So this problem has apparently gone away and I'll never know what was causing it.

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