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As the title says, I'm off to Northumberland for a week from the 12-19th of this month ^^ and I probably won't be posting much today or tomorrow either. Spent yesterday off due to a migrane... my first one, they're not fun, believe me ;)


Anyway, hope to see you all soon :P might make the odd post now and then...

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Northumberland? Keep away from Romans and other insane wall builders. You'll overlap with me as I am away 18/6 to 12/7 so will be in touch on my return.


BTW I used to suffer from the dreaded migraine when I was in my teens but except very occasionally (one a year at most) I don't get them any more. I reckon a hangover is more acceptable any day! :lol:


Have a good one!

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  • 2 weeks later...
You said hi to the cows,right? RIGHT!?

Er, um, er... yes! Yes that's right I... said hi to the cows...


*Totally forgot*






*Wanders off*

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