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Just want to double check: FNV/NVSE has no svt function?


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I was making a follower mod that dynamically changes voice based on NPC confidence (helped with immersion in Skyrim a lot) so follower could use cocky raider taunts when has an advantage, but the Set/GetVoicetype is absent in New Vegas or am I missing something?

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FNV has GetIsVoiceType. There is no function that I am aware of to set the voice type.


You could accomplish the same thing through a different method by setting different conditions on the taunts.

Yeah, that's unfortunate. I hoped that simple VTYP id swap would make existing extender code work out and redesigning it is more trouble than it's worth for me.


Thank you.

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Yeah, that's unfortunate. I hoped that simple VTYP id swap would make existing extender code work out and redesigning it is more trouble than it's worth for me.


Not sure why nobody spotted this yet.




I used it myself in my last comprehensive mod. GeckWiki is really the place you should be going to determine whether what you need exists. As far as I've experienced, the only thing they don't list that does exist (and they have a link for it) is IsRefInList. The rest is all there in their list of functions.

Edited by Asterra
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Not sure why nobody spotted this yet.




I used it myself in my last comprehensive mod. GeckWiki is really the place you should be going to determine whether what you need exists. As far as I've experienced, the only thing they don't list that does exist (and they have a link for it) is IsRefInList. The rest is all there in their list of functions.


I guess Google is trash nowadays. I've spent over hour and a half googling for combinations of 'New Vegas' 'NVSE' 'Set' 'Voice' 'Type' going 50-60 results deep and I did not get SetActorVoiceType result once. 'help setac' shows me it's there and it works as it should.


Appreciate the help, Asterra.

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