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Escape Velocity revival - mod-friendly space RPG on Kickstarter


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Back in the 90’s, Ambrosia Software released a series of space RPG / trading / combat games, called Escape Velocity. The creator of the second game, EV Override, is now running a Kickstarter campaign to remake/remaster the game for modern platforms, starting with Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.


Aside from the base game, the remake of Override will be compatible with existing fan-made mods (which there are already decades of, including some fan scenarios that are full-blown games in and of themselves), and it's also designed to be easily and extensively moddable.


I figured folks here may be interested in checking it out and/or supporting it. Here’s a link to the Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/cosmicfrontier/cosmic-frontier-override/

Edited by paff00
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Wow! I remember that game.


Was it on a video game machine in town at one of those Arcade places where we played as children in over 16 and up; us children who put real silver made quarters into it and paid to stand in front of that tall box, with a little monitor, and play that video game?

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Was it on a video game machine in town at one of those Arcade places where we played as children in over 16 and up; us children who put real silver made quarters into it and paid to stand in front of that tall box, with a little monitor, and play that video game?

No, this game was PC-only. For a long time it was specifically Macintosh-only, but the later version was also Windows-compatible.

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Was it on a video game machine in town at one of those Arcade places where we played as children in over 16 and up; us children who put real silver made quarters into it and paid to stand in front of that tall box, with a little monitor, and play that video game?

No, this game was PC-only. For a long time it was specifically Macintosh-only, but the later version was also Windows-compatible.



Macintosh was my first Store Bought computer. I had to put a disk in to load a program, take it out, put another disk in to save my work, take it out, and put the other master program disk back in. I bought the peripheral disk drive because switching those disks all the time was pain in the forehead. I think I might have that in a box along with the other floppy disks for Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, Windows 98 and 98 SE. I found one box and in it is Microsoft's Flight Simulator on 3 1/2 inch floppies. 9 of them. What a bunch of wrist and finger PAIN!


All the 3 1/2 inch floppy disks need a startup disk.

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Oh, I remember Microsoft Flight Simulator! I played it when I was very young. I enjoyed it, but I didn't understand anything about aerodynamics and all the planes I tried to create were unflyable.

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