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What Mods/Files would you recommend?


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I have not replayed Skyrim since April. Looking to start a new character, but using an older computer (Windows XP), and cannot download every possible file available. I want files and mods that will make the game a new experience. One of the files that I plan to download is the "Vilja" companion/quest mod. Had problems installing it, and decided to clean out ALL my Skyrim files and mods, and reinstalled, and looking to start over clean. I am hoping that some of the more experienced players could make recommendations of what they believe are the top 10 to 20 mods/files to install. I am not opposed to "tasteful" adult content, especially it has good roleplay qualities.


Also, I am not nearly as tech savvy as most of the modders and contributers here. So hopefully any recommendations are compatible with the Nexus Mod Manager, or have simple directions to install if not.



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I would recommend figuring out a few keywords, plugging them into advanced search, sorting the results based on endorsement and then settle in to pick out a few that look interesting and fill your needs. It's quite probable that my idea of great roleplay mods wouldn't suit your tastes or play style. I'd keep in mind what kind of character you're trying to build in your search (mage, tank, archer, etc) and use that to further refine your search. If you target your installation around a play style it'll also help cut down on unnecessary mods cluttering up your install. If your considering more than one character, Wrye Bash allows you to easily set up separate character profiles to easily switch between what mods are loaded and which are not.


Most mods are compatible with NMM when they are not, there's usually a good reason. Happy hunting :thumbsup:

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Must have mods for me are...



High Level Enemies

Immersive Patrols

DFB Random Encounters

Immersive Armors

Random Alternate Start

Character Creation Overhaul

SKSE with SkyUI

Automatic Variants

Deadly Dragons

Legion Armor Variety

Stormcloak Armor Variety

Run for Your Lives

When Vampires Attack

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I appreciate the responses. Oubliette: What you said does make sense, especially the part about looking for the mods that are highly endorsed. However, I was hoping more for a list, of what is proven to work together. I am just starting to learn that there is a "load order" for the different data files, and I have really no idea how to do that myself. I will have to trust that the BOSS program will do it for me, though we all know that automated choices can sometimes make mistakes. So that is part of the reason I made this request. What I have done in the past was collect a hodge podge of different progams that looked good at the time. I am afraid that made a mess of things, and I just wanted to pick the brains of those that have a better understanding of how the game works.


zyg0tic: Looks like a good list, I have looked at all the mods you listed, and it looks like you are a very serious gamer, which suits my style well. I noticed, that aside from a couple armor mods, you did not list any programs that list the visual looks of the environment, lighting, npc's or characters. I have looked at a few myself, and think it would make the game look nicer. However, if they slow the game down, or cause bugs, when mixed with a large amount of other mods, I guess I would do without them.

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If I were to use any lighting mods itd probably only be Realistic Lighting with Customization.


I know there are some mods tha tmake the game look much much nicer, with more vibrant colors and removal of that drab-grey feel of vanilla. But tbh Ive just been too lazy to figure out how to install them and also too undecided about which one to use. If you settle on one yourself Id be keen to know which one you choose. Ive learned to live with the white aura, mountain flicker and pop-in - not much to do about them without introducing other issues.


I dont really have any issues with all the mods being installed at once. Deadly Dragons has instructions for how to make it compatible with ASIS. If I install/uninstall a mod, and I get a CTD before the game loads, then I know its probably that I just need to repatch Automatic Variants and then repatch ASIS.


I now play on Adept difficulty, and tweak the difficulty using the various mods. I also have a mod that increases average level of enemies encountered, which High Level Enemies offer a similar thing too except it also changes the difficulty levels so Adept becomes the equivalent of Easy.

Edited by zyg0tic
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