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An odd issue.


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Hello! I'll get straight to the point, my FPS generally stays within the range of 30-45 frames. It is steady indoors, in towns, and for the most part outdoors, however, when in forests and other heavily wooded areas, it plummets. I can walk around Whiterun at a comfortable 30-35 frames yet the minute is take a gander at a few trees my game decides it isn't interested in running smoothly and goes to 18-25 frames per second. I do have several HD texture mods installed, though I have uninstalled all that mod foliage and the like.


What I would like to know, is if there is anyway to boost performance in these areas specifically, any tweaks or mods perhaps? I'm not very picky about the detail level of foliage in my game so long as it is presentable, so I'm open to trying things that would reduce texture quality as well.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Thank you all for your time,


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