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I go with Wheel of time names. Great book series if you enough time to read through them all. Most of them are DarkLord or Shaitan or or if I played a female any number of Aes Sedai or the Chosen or "forsaken" Im starting a vampire Character so I went with Drac....
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My orc is named Stampede as well. But that's not his birthname, rather it's a name he acquired during his time serving in the legion. I like it. It's strong, slightly ominous and for me is related to being a big bull male, which is how I see my orc.
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My redguard's called Joe. He's an ordinary guy who just wants to lead his own life and only whack the baddies (even has the game modded so animals don't attack), and chill out with his two lady consorts.


He recently joined the thieves' guild but doesn't now feel too comfortable with that, and is thinking of retiring..



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My first Oblivion character was on the ps3. He was a male Argonian named Mnor'Jium at level 46, no real reason for the name, I just thot it sounded oddly cool, somewhat like his face (minus the cool). Currently I play as a sexy demon chick ironically named Amen Starlustwho is around level 20. I know the name sounds rather masculine, and Starlust sounds like something other than the celestial star, but use your imagination. Her skin is so bright that sometimes the sun reflects off of it in such a way that she is only visible as a giant ball of light (I mean this forseriously, it actually happens in game when HDR is on.) I have quite a few level 1-15 ones (only one is 15) One of my recent ones is this deathmetal nord character named Wunderlich VanFumen. Wunderlich is the name of the street that hangs off of my street (I make jokes about it sometimes cuz it has the word lich in it) Van means of or something in German or some language, and Fumen is a word used in my Capeoira class when we do german push ups (idk if Fumen is an actual german number or if it just somehow was espoused) And finally, the character my account is named after. I have him on pc and ps3. he is a level 1 dark elf (looks like a demon).
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I try to keep my names using the race, that I have made the character with. Most of all character are nords, that is reflection of myself being blond hair, blue eye and 6'1. I see that as a form of myself in the game. Naming my character, is more less play medieval total war 2 for few hours either Holy Roman Empire, or Denmark. Just look over all the names in your Faction find something that sounds good a run with it...


Gustav Skolhamarr Nord

Athalwolf Engle Nord

Gerhard Otterbach Nord

Lars Volkmarr Nord


Titus Pullo my only Imperial just because I like Hbo rome...even in truth nord is really need for him

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