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Bug with Forsworn meshes


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I've only just noticed this happening, but I'm having a bit of an issue with the meshes for the Forsworn boots and gauntlets (both genders).



In the second screenshot he actually has Forsworn gauntlets equipped.

I have v1.2.5 of the USKP which supposedly fixes mesh issues with the Forsworn armour. I have it at the beginning of my load order, but I also tried moving it right to the bottom, but that had no effect, so it's nothing to do with USKP, or any other plugins. I went into the Creation Kit to check everything, and it all looks OK (the ArmorAddon forms seem to have the correct meshes).

I've also tried extracting the meshes directly from Skyrim - Meshes.bsa and placing them in the data/clothes/forswornarmor directory, but this had no effect either.

In terms of body replacers, I'm using UNP base for the female, but male is vanilla. The UNP Armors mod doesn't include new meshes for the gauntlets or boots.

Armour of the Old Gods has the same problem.

Can anyone help?

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