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Main Menu Music Replacer


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Hi, I have a request I'd like to make of the talented modders in the community.


My request is that a mod be made for Xbox One, a main menu Music only, as I'm definitely tired of the vanilla main menu music.


The song I have in mind is "Himmelsrand" by Equilibrium.


It's a brilliant piece of music, and really pumps you up to play the game, and is Immersive with Skyrim.


If someone were to consider this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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I don't know how modding works for the XBox, however, some days ago I uploaded to SkyrimNexus a mod that did contain music replacers along with the rest of the files.

There's nothing difficult to do and you don't have to be a modder for such a simple task like that.





Just create in your desktop a new folder called Data

Inside of Data, create a sub-folder called Music

Inside of Music, create another sub-folder called Special


Now copy your music file in the correct audio format (I don't know which audio format the XBox supports...for instance .WAV or .MP3 or .XWM) inside of the "Special" sub-folder and simply rename it mus_maintheme

In my mod, I did use the .WAV format and the menu works like a charm. But I have the Skyrim PC version!


The last thing to do is to import your Data folder along with its content to your XBox. Here I can't help, because I know nothing about the procedure. It might be easy or even hard.

Edited by DavideMitra
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