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Ingame NPC renamer.


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Greetings. Firstly, remember your Dimhollow Crypt and Redwater Den experience.

At first, our vampire friend appears as a "Mysterious woman" and later on transforms her name into "Serana". I sort of want to know the mechanics of this change and how is it done in creation kit (scripts?). And yes, Redwater thugs change names as well.

Help please!

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From the Wiki page I linked to:

Display Name (optional): Can be used to rename the reference when it is assigned to the alias. The dropdown is a list of Messages - the Message Title will replace the reference's name. Note that this change is permanent - the reference will retain the new Display Name even when it is removed from the alias.

Set up a Message Form beforehand with it’s title being the name you want to use then use Display Name above to apply it to the Alias.


Eck. :D

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