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Nifskope imported mesh problem


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Keep in mind that i am very new to 3d modeling so i may not be describing this in the best way.


Currently i am trying to get a .obj file from Blender into Nifskope. I am currently having a problem where my mesh (weapon mesh) Appears in Nifskope with some transparency when viewed from different angles. After a little digging around and pressing random buttons in Blender I found a way to duplicate my viewing problem in Blender. That method is just to press the "Solid Tex" button in the View Properties (using Blender 2.49). It looks like the draw type has something to do with it but I have no idea how to fix this. I have not found one online tutorial or forum post where this problem is present, which leads me to believe that this is a noob problem on my part.:wallbash:


Please Help!!!!

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In the 3d view window open up the View Properties and its the bottom left button. The button seems to show what your model would look like in nifskope or when you export it (thats what it looks like to me but im sure it has another use) . When I pressed it all the faces on my mesh went transparent on one side, and thats how my model looked in nifskope. I did (after about 3 hours) discover a way to fix this issue but im not sure if its the right way. I extruded the entire model and simply overlapped it with the original model. It fixed everything but it doubles the poly count. honestly it seems a little too simple to me.
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Here is a screenshot of the problem and how to get to it.






Go to View and the view properties button will be the third from the bottom. Then in view properties make sure "Solid Tex" is activated. That is how i duplicated the problem.

As you can see certain faces are transparent on one side


Edit: I found the problem. The normals were messed up and its a simple function to fix them. In edit mode, with all the faces selected (or the ones you want to fix) go to Mesh>Normals>Recalculate Inside/Outside.

Edited by Vandrath
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I couldn't find that button because the properties window appeared with the bottom hidden behind the toolbar at the bottom of the screen and I didn't realize it. -_-


You can also recalculate normals with Ctrl+N. Occasionally that will just make the problem worse though. In that case you have to manually select all the faces you need to fix, then press Ctrl+F and choose 'flip normals'.

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