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More help adding physics to a NIF

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Ah yes, that 3ds product which is no longer available. IOU if ya need any scripts, let me know :wink:

Hi, I currently trying to use 2013 environment with unoffcial importer plugin + official exporter in FO4 tools folder.

I have a problem which is "Collosion Group" has no option inside the drop down menu. (Default Material, Object type)

My 3ds max version is not Design and set the shader path already. No error show up at all.

But it remain empty. I googled for it, people got same issue but it's all about they setting not correctly.

Do you have any suggestion?

Blender would be great, but niftools plugin is not yet workable right?

I don't want to scratch collision data with nifskope...that would be too painful.



edit: turn out that you can't install 3ds max with custom location. I guess those plugin are hard coded...must install at default path.

Edited by OkazakiNaoki
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Yes, that's exactly what I watched.

I still have one more issue. Every model I modified looks fine in Nifskope.

But the moment it loaded into game, they upside down.

Look like this ↓



In Nifskope ↓



I did reset the pivot and Xform reset. I can collide the object in game too.

Just for some reason it's upside down(base on the pivot I think) and I have no clue.


In 3ds max ↓



What did I missed?


edit: Okay, I figured out again...I didn't place a new workshop object. I was using the already placed object to examine the modification result. After I scrap old one and place a new one, everything looks normal now.

Edited by OkazakiNaoki
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