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Live emenies lose there limbs


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I think the ultimate crippling limbs mod would be where the people actually lost there limbs but were still alive. It would be badass to shotgun someones leg and have them hop around one leg. Or blow off both arms and watch them run around like retards. What do you guys think? Good idea? Is it possible?
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Actually yeah I think something like this would be pretty cool. Shoot all thire limbs off and watch them riggle on the ground before you come up and finish the job! Man I'm evil! You could make it so that the head and body areas are the only places that actually deliver the death shots. It would add a bit more challenge as well i think.
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I've been trying for a while to edit the mesh of the Deathclaw Hand to that of a right hand. The first few times it just crashed my game, then I finally managed to get something into the game but it looked very stretched, there were a lot of pieces missing and it would disappear if I looked at it from the wrong angle... If anyone has any advice for me then I'd really appreciate it.


On the other hand, I've been looking through the list of Script Commands, and I found "IsLimbGone". I've made a version of AMPUTATE! now that removes the Deathclaw Hand from the body if the left arm is destroyed before the hand is taken. I'll upload this new version soon.


I've also found something quite incredible while playing around with the console - I've discovered a way to remove someone's limbs without killing them! I suppose this is fairly ironic, considering that I basically said "it can't be done" only a few posts ago. I'll probably start playing around with this now, and leave AMPUTATE! on hold until I can find outhow I can make a mirror image of the Deathclaw Hand and get it into the game.






Here are a couple of screenshots:

Butchered Deathclaw

Lucas Simms - 'armless

Unfortunately the "gore" that appears when the limb explodes moves along with them, I've yet to find a way to disable it.




Seems that its partially possible heh.

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