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Quicker exploding mines.


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I'm constantly escaping damage/death when running because I'll hear "beep, beep - BLAM" - somewhere behind me.... And conversely enemies quite often avoid my mines by running over them and having the explosion happen somewhere behind.


Could some kind soul mod this - or give me quick info on how I can edit the mine perameters myself (ie. which program to use to edit is it .esm files?? ).

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I've always got about 50 of em because of the same disarming fettish - I reckon shortening the delay to click - beep - BLAM as opposed to default click - beep - beep - BLAM would be an improvement whilst still enabling time for disarming.
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it could be only shorter detection range and no delay.. like click - blam! and a damage tweak to.. so it's click - blam - gone..

with shorter detection range u still could spot it and disarm it but u have to be more carefull..

in rl u actually have to step on the mine, so it would be realistic to..

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Not really, I have on a number of occasions accidentally stepped on a mine, quickly spun round and disarmed it before it got off a 3rd beep, let alone explode!


Also on one notable occasion lured a raider to one of my mines, he slowly walked over it and took no damage (damn thing must of beeped 6-7 times before it went boom!)


So I'm all for this mod idea! 1-beep *Boom!*


(On a somewhat related topic,

I remember my first visit into the red ryder factory, I was so paranoid about mines after I shot off a ghouls head, heared a beep and ran for the proverbial hills before realizing there was no explosion, took me 3 more ghouls before I figured what was going on. damn head-exploding chips!)


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when i think of it.. if i could find a mine in the game archive somewhere.. then it would be a breeze to fix this with fomm.. i'm not experienced modder.. i have only made some guns for stalker and barly tinkerd with fallout.. but this must be as simple as adjusting damage and spread on guns.. i wish i was home with my game-pc now..
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Yeah, if you made it so you actually had to step on them but they went off almost instantly like a conventional AP mine, I think that would work pretty well. That way you could still disarm them, but you'd have to be watching where you were going. Maybe take the "here I am" light off the top too, maybe give it more of a camo skin.


You could also make some that armed when you stepped on them, but only detonated when you stepped off, like a bouncing betty. That way, if you stepped on one, you could disarm it before stepping off, if you noticed in time.

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i will try to make mines detonate when stepped on and without delay. click - boom like.. and a damage increase, so u most likely die if u are not at full health.. and maybe some darker camo'ish texture to make them a little harder to spot and there by more dangerous :) but this is important.. i can not promise anything.. and i have to get home.. wich will be in a couple of days.. and this is going to be my first fallout mod ever.. so i'll se what i can do :) no promise :)
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I would say another required step then would be to re-tex them to remove that red light on the top. After all, if you are REALLY watching where you step, you will never hit a mine because of that dead give away of a light. With this idea, the light step perk actually makes sense. I always assumed they were prox mines by the distance I triggered them at, so stepping lightly never seemed to make sense.
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