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A little Christmas help, please!


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I got dawnguard for Christmas and I've been using Brehanins "better vampires" mod. It's now time to upgrade that mod, but I made a terrible mistake: I was supposed to make backups of three files that the mod modified, but I must have missed that step. Without those files, the game won't start and I still need to make a clean save without any version of the mod. Would anyone who has those files unmodified please upload them (to gamefront or something) and give me a download link? The files I need are in data\script and they're as follows: PlayerVampireQuestScript, PRKF_VampireFeedBeds_000CF02C, and VampireSunISMDEffectScript. And those same files from data\scripts\source: PlayerVampireQuestScript, PRKF_VampireFeedBeds_000CF02C, and VampireSunISMDEffectScript. . Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas day! Edited by grasscid
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I don't think it's legal under the EULA to do such things, Anyway, can't these files be replaced through Steam? Or worst case reinstall the game.





Edited by mechatech
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What you want is to extract the scripts you need from the bsa file that came with your DLC. You can do that with a number of tools.


Right, I'll try that.


I couldn't find the all important .pex files because I couldn't find the source folder. :(

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No. You don't need the sources. Not unless you're compiling your own pex files with the CK.


Firstly, I believe the mod said I needed the sources. Secondly, I installed the files I was missing from the scripts folder, and Skyrim still crashed on startup.

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