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How to get warmage armor through console commands??


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I am playing as a mage character and i have pre-reserved all 81 perks on certain perks and there is no smithing perks among those planned perks. one week ago i found the warmage armor ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10864 ) on nexus i downloaded the mod but it requires deadric smithing perk to craft it. I tried the "help warmage" command through console however it only lists gauntlets, helmet, hood, staff and axe... i couldn't get the boots and the armor... Is there a way to expend that list to see the all items of the armor set?


Thanks in advance...

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Well, you could open it in CK and check it out.


Or you could try different search words.

help mage 4

help cuirass 4

Scroll a bit the list. You'll find it. (unless author named it in really weird manner)


Thanks for the reply... I just tried both mage 4 /cuirass 4 mommands and ck... but both ways didn't work. In ck i found the item ids but in game it says there is no object with those ids.


Maybe my mod files are broken, i am going to download it again...

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I'm not familiar with that particular Mod, but, as an alternative, you could try my Dragon Knowledge Spell (link in signature) for a lore-friendly way to get those extra perk points needed to smith the armor yourself.


As for finding it in the CK:- on the data window, there's a Details button, highlight the armor Mod and press the details button. This will bring up a list of the Mod files. The pieces of armor you're looking for will be in the armor section along with the pieces you found already.

Edited by Eckss
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You can also just load the mod in either the CK or TES5Edit and look up the FormIDs.


Is FormID different from ItemID in CK?

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Why bother checking the ID?


Then use console command:

help *Partofthearmorsname* 4


player.additem IDOFTHEARMOR 1


Don't try to use multi- part name on help command. It doesn't work for me at least.


I already tried that ("help warmage 4") it only lists helmet, hood, gauntlets, staff and axe

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