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Bald when wearing helmet


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I use Apachiiskyhair... and I have no armor mod for helmets at all...


When I use any helmet, my character goes bald... This bugs me so much...


I was wondering. Did anyone create a mod that fixes the baldness of ApachiiSkyHair with vanilla's helmets?


I mean... a mod that allowed the most popular hair mod to be used perfectly with the original armors of the game would certainly be popular. But I have not found it.


If such mod doesn't exist...


Can anyone suggest a quick-solution to my problem? Is there a way to keep the hair on even when I put on the helmet? (I know clipping will occur, but I'll certainly find a short hair + large helmet that would be acceptable)


I don't like to have my character fighting without a helmet on, it breaks immersion.... but I also don't like when she goes bald... I'm on a terrible dilemma here... hahah



Any kind of help or any opinion is more than welcome here....


Thanks in advance



PS: I didn't post this topic on " Mod request" because if there's a do-it-yourself workaround, I'd be glad to learn it.

Edited by Sucrilhus
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Apachii hair has some wigs that you can get and put on with the helmets. Won't be the same hairstyle but then who does have the same hairstyle with a helmet on their head :P

I'm not too sure how well they work as I've never used them. I choose to not wear helmets and equip a circlet instead.

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