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I was talking to some friends here the other day and the conversation came across Skyrim and what cool builds we all had. Now I had grown a bit bored with the game but then it hit me. I want to play Skyrim.. as a bear.. an unarmed bear that only defeats enemies and dragons with his bare bear hands.. and the ability to shout fire at people.

I know there is a mod called something like "druid mod" but it just isn't what I want. In the mod the bears were very weak and had no way of sprinting.


What I want is a race like everyone else except that you play as a bear. Most of the time.. you are on all four legs.

Other than that.. I have no ideas. Maybe letting them have like 200 hp, 150 stamina and 50ish magicka? I don't see bears as the magical types.


They should get a bonus to unarmed damage and.. Speech. Bears can be pretty intimidating.


I don't even know if what I am asking is completely out of reach of what you can do in the game. If so, I am sorry for having wasted your time :)

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I have seen I think.. two videos of dovahbear :D


But I will agree that it could be cool to have a companion that is a bear that uses fus ro dah and such :D But I would much much rather be the bear myself.


I want to get up an personal to a dragons face and say ".. come at me bro" (or rather.. in his tongue "Wrrrargh rrrrrgh wroah!!")


We need this!


And but what sort of abilities should a dovahbear have?

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Well, when you activate the function to rest replace hours with days and call it "Hibernation" and there should be an attack bonus against humans that are nearby a tent, you could call this ability "The Scourge of Campers" ... and you need honey in regular intervals, otherwise your vulnerability against bear traps and hunters increases. Edited by ghosu
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