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I think I may have broken the API


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So, there I was downloading a mod and then out of nowhere I decided I didn't want that particular file. So, to stop the download, when "Open NXM Link Proxy" option showed up, I instead hit CANCEL. This was as I've found out, a mistake.


Now every time I hit "Open NXM Link Proxy" after choosing "Download with Manager", I get this error message.


I'm using Mod Organizer 2 and have tried reauthorizing the API in the Nexus interface, Revoking the Nexus API in the Mod Organizer interface and Reacquiring it, and even restarting my computer yet nothing has worked. Before I canceled the download like that, the manager download worked fine.


Not sure if the handler for the External Link is broken or if there's some INI that needs to be changed.



-.. And yes, I clicked the "Associate with links" button many times just to be sure, since that's what the error code told me to do..-

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  • Community Manager

Hi there,


This looks to be a configuration error in Mod Organizer 2. In your MO2 install folder, look for nxmhandler.exe and you may be able to fix it from there.


MO2 is not an official tool so I can't really help you much more than that. If it doesn't work, I'd suggest posting on the MO2 mod page.

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  • 11 months later...

I hope not to necro this topic, but I want you to know that my problem was solved albeit in an unconventional way. I just launched a different game with MO2, and the API wiped whichever bad configuration was on it. Thanks for the help.

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