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[REL] BeastSkeletons


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Hello I have decided to prerelease the mod befoure I coudl fix some issues that are relative to modding in ck and not the models themselves that work fine ...


the issues I am having are the skeletons not resting as they should in the right place and the summoned ones stay invisible ... hoping that downloaders may help fix the issue and enjoy the I have released there ...


much thanks woudl go to whoever assists me in fixing those issues and eventually improve the minimod ...




Locations :


Yngol's barrow exterior


Soutfringe Sanctum exterior



on the former locations the skeletons do not lie resting as they shoudl ...



Doomstonetundra01 exterior ( the summoned one sticks invisible for duno what reason and is not summoned rez by the magician )


You can locate the Resources in the CK with the ISS codename that stays for issgard mod , since I use that folder structure to grant future compatibility with my mod is suggested to respect that disposition ... tough you may alter at your distreption if you like ...


the actual resources added are encskeleton types , summoned , and statics and havoked skulls and tail...


A huge thankyou goes to the incredible TTL269 help to fix the export issues from the broken 3dsmax exporter , he managed to fix all nifscope issues that prevented those to work properly ingame ...

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I have uploaded a new esp that you can use to replace the old one , now if you go to Doomstone in the tundra ( find it out where it is ) , you will defeat the local necromancer and retrieve a spelltome of Conjure skeleton ... now according to the player race you will be able to summon a skeleton that will reflect the same race of the player ...
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Thanks later today I will release a massive update with reworked files and collisions for clutter objects thanks to ttl help , then also an orc skeleton and summon spell relative as well as a redguardupdate....



I was thinking to make all humans use the same skeleton , the elves have different for dunmer bosmer and altmer mainly differentiated by height and for the orc ? Should their structure b e more massive?


Also where could I place those ?


Should I differentiate the weapon they use? They could create tough an uneven disparity based on racial weapons used if I do ... Otherwise all could use a ghost weapon?


So far I just dropped the book for the spell in the doomstonetundra01 near the necromancer , but perhaps should be placed elsewhere?


Some feedback from who tried the mod would be appreciate , especially to know how they judge the power of the conjuration spell...



Btw also endorsements are appreciated u know? ;) ...

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Updated The mod adding Beast Orc Skeletos , they can be found near the Mor Khazgur Stronghold , I have added also the relative skulls clutters havoked and not havocked as well the conjurable variation for orc players ...
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