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Need help with Vici


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I have the quest BOUND UNTIL DEATH, and I spent nearly 3 hours trying to kill her at the right time, but have been repeatedly told:


Good job, well done, the Emperor will soon return, here's your reward, but.....you were too eager to return, you failed in completing the task at the appointed time.


I have been literally spinning my wheels about WHEN? I am L100 in Sneak, and have all the SNEAK PERKS except Assassin's Blade.


There are 3 parts to her speech and no matter when i toss the Gargoyle, I achieve everything but the Bonus.


And I have been googling how to get everything achieved right.


What am I doing wrong?



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I have the quest BOUND UNTIL DEATH, and I spent nearly 3 hours trying to kill her at the right time, but have been repeatedly told:


Good job, well done, the Emperor will soon return, here's your reward, but.....you were too eager to return, you failed in completing the task at the appointed time.


I have been literally spinning my wheels about WHEN? I am L100 in Sneak, and have all the SNEAK PERKS except Assassin's Blade.


There are 3 parts to her speech and no matter when i toss the Gargoyle, I achieve everything but the Bonus.


And I have been googling how to get everything achieved right.


What am I doing wrong?



You should get the bonus as long as she is talking. Not when she's up in the balcony with her husband and NOT talking. She has to be shooting off her mouth.

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A couple of nights ago, I tossed the gargoyle on her, and was freakin out that i couldn't leave while the guards and the other Argonian assassin were tangled.


I waited until the guards were completely calm and stood up and just walked down the stairs and walked out the gate by the vendors and then booked it to the Sanctuary.


I got the 1500g bonus.



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