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Lichdom and necromancy


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Kay, two requests here.

The first and most important is some kind of quest to become a lich.

I figure a hermit up north from whiterun could tell you to go kill a couple rival necromancers, maybe send you after that otaku guy the thief bartender sicks you on in order to get the formulae. Then he uses the guy's journals to develop a way to become immortal.

Said immortality is lichdom, with the stats lifted right from oblivion.

The second is necromancy spells.

The difference between these and the default ones is that these would be kind of permanent, never stopping or turning into ashes. They would not have the abilities they had in life, but would instead have just generic AI.

The novice level spell would reanimate a corpse, make it paler, and give it the animations + AI of a falmer.

The apprentice level would give the animated corpse the AI of a slightly less likely to die skeleton.

The adept would create one of those spellcasting skeletons, but with more health.

The expert one would turn the corpse into a spellcasting version of a corrupted shade.

The master level would awaken the undead, giving them whatever abilities they had in life in addition to the ones they gained in death.

If you already have your maximum number of undead and you create a new one, the oldest one falls apart.

That's it really. I tried to create the spells myself but then I discovered that modding skyrim is nothing like modding dwarf fortress.

Please respond.

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There was a mod in the works... It was very promising, but from waht i understand... the modder discontinued it... Makes me sad.



Also as a lich, i'd prefer to be completely skeletal, for one reason - it doesn't smell :D

Maybe that could be stage five or something?

Just so long as villagers run away and guards attack you on sight.

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