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Location for a custom world space


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I'm a bit lost on this problem.


I created a custom city in the world space Tamriel. Everything is fine so far, LODs are working, the city shows up correctly. The city has inner walls dividing it into different quarters which the player can't leave without using doors. My plan is to create a series of world spaces, like Chorrol world, Leyawin world and so on using the pregenerated city quarters as separate world spaces and everything in their own esp, so i can stitch them together later on as an esm, so the FPS won't decrease. I created the test world spaces sucessfully, and the quarters are looking like intended in game. The only problem is the usage of distant landscape LODs. I can't get the new world spaces to be placed correctly inside Tamriel. With the obvious choice to enable the parent world space of Tamriel, i always end up at location 0/0, which is not exactly showing the LODs i prepared by using the TES4LODGEN. Its center should be located at 15/11 to show the right environment. There seems to be something i missed while creating the test world spaces. Other world spaces, like Chorrol/Cheydinhal world are using assigned cell coordinates, so how can i apply a specific cell coordinate to a world space within the Tamriel world? The distant LODs at the location 0/0 are showing up correctly, so my problem seems to be the location for this custom world space.


I haven't found something about this in the cs wiki. Any help would be appreciated, maybe i missed a tutorial about that.

The only description i found was on the tutorial about building large world spaces and the hints how to create a dummy LOD.

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The co-ordinates of your custom worldspace should correspond to those of Tamriel. So for example, if your town is in cell 15, 11 in Tamriel, make sure you actually put the buildings in cell 15, 11 in your custom worldspace. It sounds like you started building in cell 0, 0.
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That's it. Thanks a lot, i knew i must have a fundamental misunderstanding of the way it works. I started with the thought of making everything as basic as possible, so i forgot about complexity of the parent world :D Works perfectly now, and i feel a little bit dumb. But that's a minor dent in my ego, so i will work harder so the result will let me forget about this ;) Again, thanks a lot for the advice, the hardest things to debug are those you have purposefully written yourself.


/edit: ..and this is how it looks right now ;) Perfect for my needs.


Edited by AydanPryde
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