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Why you should join the Stormcloaks.


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And the Thalmor are a bunch of goose-stepping Nazis. Gotta pick the lesser evil, right?


"Vote Cthulu! Why Choose the Lesser of Evils?"

-Election-Year Bumper Sticker




I do not share your faith in the Archmage's ability to reason with the Thalmor about their two dead agents. Let's not forget that the second agent is specifically instructed to kill you.

It's like Tolstoy said, "You may not be interested in war, but war is very interested in you." I think it is naive not to presume the Thalmor are at war with the College of Winterhold and its new Archmage given the "very specific instructions" of the second agent to assassinate the Archmage.

No Stormcloak ever tried to assassinate a member of the College. I'm telling you there's some lemonade in those lemons. The Thalmor meanwhile ... you can't make lemonade out of assholes.


I appreciate the controversy, though. Aligning the College with the Stormcloaks, pubilcly and loudly, is a pretty radical step. Wait 'til you hear about my Forsworn Amnesty Program ...

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Stormcloaks all the way.


First off, the empire will obviously crumble regardless. The White-Gold Concordat pretty much marked the end of the empire as we know it. Some may see it as a military/diplomatic "strategy", but look at the distaste it left with it's people. There will never be widespread support for the empire again...they don't have the diplomatic resources for victory, never mind the military resources. I personally found the state of the Empire as quite the joke after reading The Talos Mistake:




I mean, not only do they ban worship, they claim it as a mistake all along...this government is the hope of Tamriel?!?


Secondly, I don't see much of the racism in Nords/Stormcloaks that people claim. Sure, in game, you see segregation in Windhelm, and a few Nords showing blatant racism towards the Dunmer ( A drunk and a bum, mind you..), but really you have to look at the bigger picture; the Dunmer aren't exactly a shining example of anti-racism themselves (in fact, they are probably the most racist race out of all of them), and they really don't make a great case for "adjusting to society" when the Nords allow them into Windhelm:




In fact, it's quite obvious it's almost like they feel they are "owed" something, and I wouldn't blame the Nords for being angry at them for not participating in society and the current government, as well as just being plain lazy themselves, demanding some sort of welfare or whatnot because they experienced a tragedy...in fact, I find it quite hilarious that these clowns do nothing, yet Dunmer in Riften have adjusted quite nicely.


But also, segregation is most likely needed in this situation, as Dunmer and Argonians aren't exactly friends themselves (And by reading some books, it looks like the Argonians were in Windhelm before the Dunmer). Keeping separation is most likely in the Stormcloaks interests, otherwise the state of the city could be at peril with "race wars".


And...more Dumner racism...




I find it "saintly" enough that the Nords even allowed the Dumner into their city with this kind of attitude. But seriously, at least the Nords aren't partaking in obvious slavery...something that the Dunmer were quite fond of before.


The whole Dunmer situation also goes back to history, as it is quite obvious that many Nords are disgusted at the thought of Dumner in Windhelm, simply because they drove out the elves after the Night of Tears with Ysgramor and the 500 companions. They are, if you haven't noticed, a proud and "legend" inclined nationalistic folk. See if the Dunmer would allow Argonians and Khajit the same "benefits" in much of Vvardenfell.


Oh yeah, for anyone saying the Nords have no claim to this land over elves....




But, let's go back to why I feel the Stormcloaks would be better equipped to handle the AD. For one, I don't see Hammerfell joining back with the Empire anytime soon, thus I could easily see an alliance with Skyrim if it broke from the Empire. The Empire failed massively with both Hammerfell and Skyrim backing, and that has to be probably 70-80% of it's forces. Why would ANYONE say the Empire would be ok with just Skyrim? They do not have the balls to fight till the end, and would sooner give up every province except Cyrodill (scratch that, they would give up everything except the white gold tower!) just to postpone elimination for no later than 10 years while giving up every other freedom.


No, a Stormcloak victory gives credence to a sect that is willing to fight with everything they got, that will not submit before death, that will fight for what they believe is right, that will not bow down to what they ultimately see as wrong. I don't see this in the Imperials today...in fact, the Stormcloaks look more like the true leaders and military of the Empire than the current Empire!


No, independence is the way to go at this point, with military allies with other provinces (and an alliance with Hammerfell is a deadly alliance in itself). There is also the question of the dragons, obviously they aren't all dead, and under certain circumstances they are relatively friendly with the people of Skyrim as well. I can see "The Way of the Voice" as a useful tool for the people of Skyrim, a teaching/philosophy that could ultimately provide military uses as well. To say the dragons have no part in the future of this at all (with assistance of the Dragonborn), is a little ignorant. I don't think the Empire would be too keen on keeping dragons around at all (evident by Delphine and her insistence of eliminating each and every one...I don't think the Empire and the Blades are that far apart in philosophy on the matter).


And I know Ulfric isn't in cahoots with the AD...there really is no evidence to the matter, just that the AD WANT a civil war. They DON'T want it to end, and in such issues, Ulfric would obviously be an asset to them. An Ulfric win? Not so much. It's obvious he despises being told what to do, is not a diplomatic individual when it comes to his homeland, and despises the AD occupation of Skyrim. An Ulfric win would obviously drive the AD out from the North of Cyrodill, thus actually give the AD a disadvantage militarily.



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And I know Ulfric isn't in cahoots with the AD...there really is no evidence to the matter, just that the AD WANT a civil war. They DON'T want it to end, and in such issues, Ulfric would obviously be an asset to them. An Ulfric win? Not so much. It's obvious he despises being told what to do, is not a diplomatic individual when it comes to his homeland, and despises the AD occupation of Skyrim. An Ulfric win would obviously drive the AD out from the North of Cyrodill, thus actually give the AD a disadvantage militarily.


Hes obviously terrified of Elenwen, he could easily be broken by the Thalmor again. If someone like Balgruuf was the leader of the rebellion I'd probably support it. Balgruuf cares about his people, Ulfric cares about Ulfric.

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Stormcloaks ehh. they are the rebels and wanting a revolution to reclaim skyrim for the nords and take it away from the imperials. The imperials / legion are not bad people, and with being threatend by the stormcloaks they will be rude. The Thalmor can go and jump off a cliff, I love to kill them on sight.


Both ways you wont be greatly rewarded for winning the war. Ulfric will claim his power over skyrim again and you will be just a pawn but so called hero. Legion just about the same.


losing whiterun and solitude, the 2 biggest towns and the best locations I think in skyrim.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i say don't join one or another. Advance in the main quest and give the territory where the talmor are to the stormcloack (like markath for exemple) and the rest to the imperial. This way, the talmor are hunted from skyrim, and the imperial can still do good thing for skyrim (like having a jarl that actually like the mage guild) or let them hunt the DB if you put them in dawnstar. And if you see some thalmor on the road, you can kill them.

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  • 2 years later...

I'd like to make a correction of a mistake the game itself has made. If you notice...the Imperial captain chose to ignore the fact that you were NOT on the list. The General was in front of Ulfric making faces at him. Then after choosing Hadvar. You claim the General tried to execute you. If you observe the intro. The General had nothing to do with your soon to be beheading...it was the overzealous captain. So "THEY TRYED TO KILL ME!" isn't really an excuse to side with the Stormcloaks.

Edited by AlluraValiant
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It seems logical for the Dragonborn to support the Empire in Skyrim, since his destiny is to drive the invading Thalmor out, shore up the rest of the Empire and the establish a new Dovahkiin Dynasty which will rule the Tamrielan Empire with justice and equity. Large statues will be constructed in the city square commemorating the famous foursome of the Dragonborn, Vilja, Inigo and Zora Fair-Child, who were both founders and heroes to the New Empire from the providence of Skyrim. This would be a good basis for TES 6.

Edited by Moksha8088
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Parthurnax for President. Ulfric's a short-sighted nationalist megalomaniac who's so busy trying to conquer new people that he can't be bothered with taking care of the ones he's already responsible for, and the General is a weenie. But if I had to choose a side, I'd take the Empire any day. They have their heads on straight, and they actually seem to have a long-term plan that prioritizes the pragmatic welfare of its citizens over short-term symbolic victories. They understand the need for concessions in order to survive long enough to beat the Thalmor in the long run. The Empire also seems to be the only side that I have witnessed taking responsibility for ensuring that the everyday folk have access to resources and protection for the duration of the war. But Ulfric's plan is what? He's going to kill off half of Skyrim's able-bodied warriors so that he can take power, let the people of Skyrim suffer as they will for lack of supplies and adequate protection, spit in the faces of Skyrim's non-nordic residents and allies, and then not get steamrolled by the Thalmor?

Besides, the Thalmor are right about Talos. Trinimac could rend Talos in twain with the force of an atomic wedgie.

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  • 3 years later...

Why do people form empires, kingdoms, states ? For different reasons, but most important one is to defend the citizens from outside threat. Empire failed its citizens in that, most basic requirement. Thalmor is taking anyone and everyone they want, answer to nobody for that. They don't have to provide explanation of any kind. Talos is just an excuse, they are taking anyone with ideas, initiative and attitude which could threaten their plan to occupy the whole Tamriel. damn, there is an Argonian in Thalmor prison. What does he have to do with Talos ? It is one creeping invasion in progress.


I can't see any alternative whatsoever to joining the Stormcloaks. Never had any playthrough without joining Stormcloaks.



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